How to Play Neko Atsume

by jessyratfink in Living > Video Games

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How to Play Neko Atsume


I started playing Neko Atsume: Kitty Collector last year and have not stopped since! As a lifetime cat lady, I got hooked pretty quickly.

Neko Atsume is not really a game - more like a really fancy cat Tamagotchi. You collect cats! :D

You play the game by placing food and goodies (toys and furniture) down into the cats' habitat. Depending on what you put out, different cats will come to visit! There are regular cats and rare cats in the game, so it's a good idea to switch up the goodies you put out frequently to see who stops by. :)

Cats visit when the app is in the background or closed - every time you open up Neko Atsume you'll see something different happening! Cats will play, sleep and eat on screen.

Fish Money and the Neko Atsume Store


Fish are the official currency of Neko Atsume - they come in silver and gold. When cats leave after a visit, they'll give you a tip of fish. They'll give you more fish if you had out food and goodies they really enjoy. :D

You can buy extra gold fish with real life money in the game, but I never have. If you're smart about what goodies you place down and how often you refill the cat food, you'll get loads of fish in no time.

My favorite way to get fish is to place out Frisky Bits and goodies that A) can fit multiple cats, and B) attract rare cats. This way you can attract loads of cats & some rare cats without spending any gold fish on food. Once you have a good amount of gold fish, buy nicer goodies and food to put out. :)

You can also convert currency in the store - 500 silver fish will give you 10 gold fish. 10 gold fish will give you 250 silver fish.

Everything that you need to buy for the cats in the game can be accessed through the store. The store sells food, beds, housing, and toys for the cats - all called goodies. Once you buy a goodie, you can place it in the habitat for the cats for interact with!

Certain goodies attract certain cats - I'll go over what each cat likes best on their steps. :)

Feeding Your Cats in Neko Atsume


Food is essential for attracting cats to your yard. There are five types of food found in the shop:

  • Frisky Bits - 30 fish for 3 bowls
  • Ritzy Bitz - 7 gold fish for 3 bowls
  • Bonito Bitz - 17 gold fish for 3 bowls
  • Deluxe Tuna Bitz - 30 gold fish for 3 bowls
  • Sashimi - 12 gold fish for 3 bowls

I suggest always buying in bulk if you have enough gold fish - you'll save 15% on food that way.

There is also a free food in your goodies menu called "Thrifty Bitz" but I admit I haven't used that for months and months.

More expensive foods tend to attract more cats. I leave Frisky Bits out the majority of the time because all the common cats love it and it's cheap. (And some rare cats will show up when it's out!) It's also the best way to get more fish from your cats without spending loads of gold ones!

However, some rare cats are pickier when it comes to food and only stop by if you have certain types out OR are more likely to stop by if you have better food out. I'll cover that later in depth with each cat. :D

Buying and Using Goodies


"Goodies" are the second part of attracting cats to your yard. All cats have certain items they gravitate to - especially the rare cats! Goodies some in small and large sizes.

You have space in the small yard for 1 large goodie and 3 small ones, or 5 small goodies. In the larger yard, you can place out 2 large goodies and 6 small ones, or 10 small goodies.

Goodies can be set manually, or you can choose "Auto-Set" in the menu to have the game place goodies randomly. I admit I do this quite a bit!

While I'll cover what each of the rare cats like on their own steps, I'd like to share a list of the items I most often place out to get fish. :D

For this to work, your best bet is to set out Frisky Bits! That way you're not spending any gold fish on food.

Best large goodies for getting multiple cats + rare cats:

  • cat metropolis
  • bureau with pot
  • cardboard cafe
  • cardboard house
  • cardboard choo-choo
  • fairy-tale parasol
  • tower of treats
  • kotatsu
  • heating stove

I supplement the large goodies I place out with more toys and bed - whatever looks nicest.

Yard and House Remodels + Upgrades


When you first start out in Neko Atsume, you'll be stuck in a very tiny yard.

Once you've got 180 gold fish, you can buy a yard expansion from the store! This will give you more room inside as well.

There are also several yard types you can buy in the game, including:

  • Original Style
  • Zen Style
  • Rustic Style
  • Modern Style
  • Western Style
  • Sugary Style

Check the photos above to see all the styles!

You can access these by clicking Menu > Other > Remodel - they cost 280 gold fish each. (Unless they're on sale - that sometimes happens!)

When you switch from one yard type to another, all cats will leave and new goodies will be placed.

Mementos in Neko Atsume


Sometimes when cats come to visit, they'll bring you a memento! When you open the app, the screen will be totally black and then one of the cats will pop up and share their memento with you. :)

This typically seems to happen once a cat has visited several times. I'm still working on my list! I haven't included mementos on the cat's pages since I don't have them all yet and there's not one specific way to do it.

You can see all your mementos by clicking Menu > Cats > Mementos.

Cats in Neko Atsume


There are two classes of cats: rare and normal! Each cat is assigned a personality and power level that you can see by accessing the cat book.

The lower a cat's power level, the harder time they'll have getting into the yard. And then when they're in the yard and interacting with something, another cat with a higher power level can boot them out. This doesn't always mean you won't see a low power level cat that often, they may just not stick around for long. :)

Normal cats will show up very easily - they just want food and entertainment! They all look very much the same in shape and size but their colors vary. They will come no matter what type of food is out. :)

Rare cats like particular foods and goodies to be placed in the habitat before they will visit. Rare cats tend to give more and better fish rewards and they are very unique looking!

I never worry about the normal cats and focus all my energy on getting as many rare cats as I can to come visit everyday. I make sure to set out goodies and food they enjoy for more fish!

Following this step are profiles of every cat in the game and details about how to get them to show up for you. The normal cats are crazy simple, but I'll give you tips for each rare cat. :)

Cataloging Your Cats


You track your cats using the cat book.

When cats show up in your yard, always take photos of them using the camera in the game menu. These photos will automatically get sent to the cat book. You have 18 photos per cat available.

In the cat book, you can double tap whichever photo of each cat you like the best to set it as their "profile" photo. You can also learn more about your cats, including their personality, their power level, and which goodies they like the most.

It will also keep track of the last time each cat showed up and how many times they've visited.

How to Get Snowball in Neko Atsume


Power Level: 80

Food: any

Favorite Goodies:

  • bureau with pot
  • ball of yarn
  • burger cushion

Snowball spends most of the time sleeping or playing. Loves beds and balls.

How to Get Smokey in Neko Atsume


Power Level: 140

Food: any

Favorite Goodies:

  • kick toy (bunny)
  • mister mouse
  • wing thing teaser

Smokey is all about the toys. He shows up all the time when I have a few of them out.

How to Get Spots in Neko Atsume


Power Level: 75

Food: any

Favorite Goodies:

  • cardboard cafe
  • tent
  • doughnut tunnel

Spots loves getting into things. Boxes, the train, cat condos, beds, etc. Anything they can climb into.

How to Get Shadow in Neko Atsume


Power Level: 50

Food: any

Favorite Goodies:

  • ball of yarn
  • cardboard cafe
  • bureau with pot

Shadow seems to be all about balls and climbing into things.

How to Get Sunny in Neko Atsume


Power Level: 120

Food: any

Favorite Goodies:

  • cat metropolis
  • bureau with pot
  • mister mouse

Sunny mostly like climbing into things, but will also play with toys.

How to Get Fred in Neko Atsume


Power Level: 150

Food: any

Favorite Goodies:

  • cat metropolis
  • cardboard cafe
  • scratching post

Fred mostly sleeps, scratches and climbs into things.

How to Get Pumpkin in Neko Atsume


Power Level: 90

Food: any

Favorite Goodies:

  • cat metropolis
  • bureau with pot
  • cardboard cafe

Pumpkin loves to hang out with the other cats and sleep.

How to Get Callie in Neko Atsume


Power Level: 50

Food: any

Favorite Goodies:

  • kotatsu
  • cardboard cafe
  • ball of yarn

Callie shows up and plays with the ball of yarn sometimes, but mostly climbs into things.

How to Get Tabitha in Neko Atsume


Power Level: 40

Food: any

Favorite Goodies:

  • kotatsu
  • sakuramochi cushion
  • luxurious hammock

Tabitha likes to be warm and comfortable. Also likes to play with balls!

How to Get Bandit in Neko Atsume


Power Level: 180

Food: any

Favorite Goodies:

  • cat metropolis
  • bureau with pot
  • kick toy (bunny)

Bandit loves sleep and playing.

How to Get Gabriel in Neko Atsume


Power Level: 150

Food: any

Favorite Goodies:

  • cardboard cafe
  • cardboard truck
  • cat metropolis

Gabriel likes climbing up high and sleeping in enclosed spaces.

How to Get Marshmallow in Neko Atsume


Power Level: 170

Food: any

Favorite Goodies:

  • temari ball
  • mister mouse
  • wing-thing teaser

Marshmallow is all about toys, scratching and pillows.

How to Get Socks in Neko Atsume


Power Level: 70

Food: any

Favorite Goodies:

  • cat metropolis
  • bureau with pot
  • three-tier cat tree

Socks loves any of the cat furniture that fits multiple cats.

How to Get Lexy in Neko Atsume


Power Level: 100

Food: any

Favorite Goodies:

  • zanzibar cushion
  • temari ball
  • cardboard cafe

Lexy seems to like items that are purchased with gold fish the most.

How to Get Bolt in Neko Atsume


Power Level: 140

Food: any

Favorite Goodies:

  • sakuramochi cushion
  • cat pancake
  • heating stove

Bolt likes cushy beds and anything that gives off heat.

How to Get Breezy in Neko Atsume


Power Level: 30

Food: any

Favorite Goodies:

  • cardboard house
  • heating stove
  • cat metropolis

Breezy loves being warm and hanging out on cat furniture.

How to Get Misty in Neko Atsume


Power Level: 160

Food: any

Favorite Goodies:

  • zanzibar cushion
  • earthenware pot
  • pillow (yellow)

Misty really enjoys sleeping.

How to Get Pickles in Neko Atsume


Power Level: 0

Food: any

Favorite Goodies:

  • cat metropolis
  • bureau with pot
  • wing-thing teaser

Pickles is quite shy but I have had 306 visits from them! Pickles likes hiding and sleeping.

How to Get Pepper in Neko Atsume


Power Level: 165

Food: any

Favorite Goodies:

  • bureau with pot
  • scratching post
  • black head space

Pepper likes sleeping in enclosed spaces and scratching.

How to Get Patches in Neko Atsume


Power Level: 80

Food: any

Favorite Goodies:

  • sakuramochi cushion
  • cardboard house
  • ball of yarn

Patches likes hanging out the with other cats, playing with balls, and cooling mats.

How to Get Gozer in Neko Atsume


Power Level: 155

Food: any

Favorite Goodies:

  • cardboard cafe
  • zanzibar cushion
  • cardboard house

Gozer loves cardboard, cushions and toys.

How to Get Cocoa in Neko Atsume


Power Level: 45

Food: any

Favorite Goodies:

  • tent (pyramid)
  • scratching post
  • heating stove

Cocoa likes being warm and in sleeping in enclosed spaces.

How to Get Princess in Neko Atsume


Power Level: 125

Food: any

Favorite Goodies:

  • ball of yarn
  • heating stove
  • cardboard house

Princess seems to like toys, sleeping and cardboard.

How to Get Ginger in Neko Atsume


Power Level: 60

Food: any

Favorite Goodies:

  • bureau with pot
  • cake box
  • tent (nature)

Ginger loves hiding and sleeping in enclosed spaces.

How to Get Peaches in Neko Atsume


Power Level: 45

Food: any, but prefers anything fancier than Frisky Bits

Favorite Goodies:

  • cardboard cafe
  • kick toy (bunny)
  • twisty rail

Peaches is not technically a rare cat, but visits much lesson often than other cats. I've only seen them 4 times! (Though they have visited 14 times.)

How to Get Spud in Neko Atsume


Power Level: 80

Food: any

Favorite Goodies:

  • temari ball
  • shopping box (large)
  • orange cube

I often see Spud sleeping or playing.

How to Get Mack in Neko Atsume


Power Level: 130

Food: any

Favorite Goodies:

  • cardboard cafe
  • heating stove
  • sakuramochi cushion

Mack likes being warm and sleeping.

How to Get Speckles in Neko Atsume


Power Level: 40

Food: any

Favorite Goodies:

  • kick toy (bunny)
  • cat metropolis
  • cardboard cafe

Speckles likes hanging out with the other cats and playing with the bunny toy.

How to Get Willie in Neko Atsume


Power Level: 75

Food: any

Favorite Goodies:

  • cardboard cafe
  • fairy-tale parasol
  • cat pancake

Willie always seems to come out when cardboard items are placed.

How to Get Rascal in Neko Atsume


Power Level: 140

Food: any

Favorite Goodies:

  • cardboard house
  • cardboard cafe
  • tent (blizzard)

Rascal is another slightly rare normal cat. They've only visited 29 times for me!

How to Get Dottie in Neko Atsume


Power Level: 195

Food: any

Favorite Goodies:

  • temari ball
  • kick toy (bunny)
  • cat pancake

Dottie loves sleeping and playing.

How to Get Spooky in Neko Atsume


Power Level: 35

Food: any

Favorite Goodies:

  • ball of yarn
  • scratching post
  • busy bee

Spooky loves scratching, playing and sleeping.

How to Get Apricot in Neko Atsume


Power Level: 10

Food: any

Favorite Goodies:

  • fluff-thing teaser
  • choco-cornet tunnel
  • plum cushion (pink)

Apricot is one of the newest cats. They especially enjoying playing and food themed beds.

How to Get Ganache in Neko Atsume


Power Level: 90

Food: any

Favorite Goodies:

  • fairy-tale parasol
  • toy capsule
  • cream-puff house

Ganache is another of the newest cats! So far I've seen them playing and sleeping on top of things.

How to Get Joe DiMeowgio in Neko Atsume


Power Level: 28

Food: any

Favorite Goodies:

  • baseball

Joe DiMeowgio only shows up when the baseball is placed in your yard. I don't try to attract him very often since not that many other cats are attracted to the baseball! He doesn't seem to care what type of food is out.

How to Get Senor Don Gato in Neko Atsume


Power Level: 30

Food: any

Favorite Goodies:

  • mister mouse

Senor Don Gato only loves the mister mouse toy. He's come no matter what food is out!

How to Get Xerxes IX in Neko Atsume


Power Level: 70

Food: any

Favorite Goodies:

  • zanzibar cushion
  • royal bed

Xerxes IX is a very fancy cat and will accept only the richest of beddings. He has no food complaints and eats anything.

How to Get Chairman Meow in Neko Atsume


Power Level: 11

Food: any

Favorite Goodies:

  • earthenware pot

Chairman Meow will eat anything, but he only shows up if you set out the earthenware pot. I've also seen screenshots of him on top of the sunken fireplace.

How to Get Saint Purrtrick in Neko Atsume


Power Level: 222

Food: any

Favorite Goodies:

  • silk crepe pillow
  • kotatsu

Saint Purrtrick will eat anything, but only shows up if you place the kotatsu or silk crepe pillow out.

How to Get Ms. Fortune in Neko Atsume


Power Level: 20

Food: any

Favorite Goodies:

  • cardboard house

Ms. Fortune isn't picky about what she eats, but her power level is very low so she doesn't get to hang out in the house very often.

How to Get Bob the Cat in Neko Atsume


Power Level: 40

Food: any

Favorite Goodies:

  • cat metropolis

Bob might be my favorite! He's the Neko Atsume answer to Mouse Guard. :P

He will eat anything. He likes to stand on the top of the cat metropolis.

How to Get Conductor Whiskers in Neko Atsume


Power Level: 50

Food: any

Favorite Goodies:

  • twisty rail
  • cardboard choo-choo

Conductor Whiskers is ADORABLE. He will eat anything, but only shows up when he can conduct the cardboard choo-choo or twisty rail.

How to Get Tubbs in Neko Atsume


Power Level: 130

Food: any

Favorite Goodies:

  • all types of food
  • giant cushion

So far, Tubbs has only shown up to eat my food - he eats it all and then lounges next to the bowl. If you refill the food, he leaves. I have seen photos of him on the giant cushion, too!

How to Get Mr. Meowgi


Power Level: 250

Food: any

Favorite Goodies:

  • scratching log

Mr. Meowgi will eat anything, but will only come to visit if he can duel with the scratching log.

How to Get Lady Meow-Meow in Neko Atsume


Power Level: 100

Food: anything but Thrifty Bits

Favorite Goodies:

  • luxurious hammock

Lady Meow-Meow refuses to eat Thrifty Bits, but will show up and hang out in her hammock if you have another food type out.

How to Get Guy Furry in Neko Atsume


Power Level: 30

Food: anything but Thrifty Bits

Favorite Goodies:

  • heating stove
  • glass vase

Guy Furry is one of my favorites. He'll eat anything but Thrifty Bits, and will show up and cook for the cats if you have a heating stove or glass vase out.

How to Get Kathmandu in Neko Atsume


Power Level: 150

Food: anything but Thrifty Bits

Favorite Goodies:

  • temari ball
  • lacquered bowl

Kathmandu only comes when you set out either the temari ball or lacquered bowl. However, he won't show up when you have the lacquered bowl out if you have Frisky Bits out. Just recently learned that!

How to Get Ramses the Great in Neko Atsume


Power Level: 230

Food: anything but Sashimi

Favorite Goodies:

  • tent (pyramid)

Ramses the Great will only show up if you've got the pyramid tent set out, but he won't eat Sashimi

How to Get Sassy Fran in Neko Atsume


Power Level: 180

Food: anything but Thrifty Bits

Favorite Goodies:

  • cardboard cafe

Sassy Fran comes around if you're got the cardboard cafe out. She won't visit if you have Thrifty Bits.

How to Get Billy the Kitten in Neko Atsume


Power Level: 250

Food: any

Favorite Goodies:

  • cowboy hat

Much like an actual cowboy, he'll eat anything and will only show up if he can wear his cowboy hat.

How to Get Frosty in Neko Atsume


Power Level: 5

Food: anything but Thrifty Bits

Favorite Goodies:

  • snowy pillow
  • bureau with pot
  • pillow (yellow)

Frosty is another really tricky cat to get due to their low power level. They will show up for the bureau with pot, cooling pads, or various colors of pillows, but it took me a long time to see them!

How to Get Sapphire in Neko Atsume


Power Level: 20

Food: Deluxe Tuna

Favorite Goodies:

  • tower of treats
  • fairy-tale parasol

Sapphire only shows up with Jeeves and you'll need to put out the tower of treats or fairy-tale parasol. So far they've only visited when I put down two bowls of Deluxe Tuna.

How to Get Jeeves in Neko Atsume


Power Level: 210

Food: Deluxe Tuna

Favorite Goodies:

  • tower of treats
  • fairy-tale parasol

Jeeves only shows up with Sapphire. He needs the tower of treats or fairy-tale parasol to be set out. Deluxe Tuna is the only food that's worked for me so far!