How to Replace Laptop Battery Cells

by Superb Tech in Circuits > Computers

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How to Replace Laptop Battery Cells

Replacing Laptop Battery Cells

Batteries in electronic gadgets degrade over a period of time, and laptops are no exception. many people find that after 2-3 years, the laptop battery performance drops drastically. this is due to the cells losing their capacity and lower nominal voltage. the best option is to replace the battery with a new and original one. but many times the battery are not available, or are priced too high.

in this tutorial, i have shown how you can easily replace your laptop battery cells at home, for a lower price, and get same or even better performance than an original battery pack


18650 Battery Cells:

Remove the Battery Pack and Open the Case

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The First step is to identify whether your laptop has a removable battery or not. if it is removable, then turn your laptop upside down and remove the battery pack. if it is not removable, then i would advise not to follow this tutorial further.

once you have removed the battery pack, open the case of the battery. most of the cases are sealed using push fit plastic covers, which can be removed using a small screwdriver. be careful in this process, excess pressure can break the plastic casing, and it may become useless.

Identify Type of Battery in Your Laptop

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once the case is opened, you will find the battery cells inside the battery pack. most common orientation is the 3S2P, which means 3 cells in series and 2 in parallel. remove the old battery cells and check for information printed on the cells. there are various types of 18650 lithium ion cells, which have varying battery chemistries. for eg: INR, ICR, NCR.

and they are of various capacities ranging from 1800mah to 3500mah

make sure you buy the same type of cells, most commonly found is the ICR type for laptop batteries.

you can buy cells of higher capacity to imrpove the battery backup. for eg: my original battery pack had cells of 2200mah, but i have replaced them with 2600mah cells.

Also desolder the PCB from the battery pack and keep it aside for further use.

Procure New 18650 Lithium Ion Cells

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once you have identified the type of cells, order the cells from a nearby store or online via amazon or aliexpress. i have attached links above for your reference.

once you have the cells, check the voltage of each cell, make sure all the cells are of equal voltage. you can charge the cells before use.

Use a Spot Welder to Weld the Cells Together With Nickel Strips

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DIY 18650 Battery Spot Welder Kit - Does it Work?
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place the cells in the same configuration as the battery cells. make sure the polarity is correct. check for + and - marks on each side of the cells. now use a spot welder to weld the cells together using nickel strips. i have used this DIY spot welder kit to weld the cells. i have attached the video link for more information.

cut the nickel strips to the desired length. place the cells upright and place the nickel strip on top of the cells. now gently press the nickel strip using the spot welder probes to make a contact. repeat the process 3-4 times on each cell to ensure better bonding.

Solder the Cells to the Circuit Inside the Battery

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once the cells are welded, solder the battery PCB to the new battery pack. make sure you solder each wire connecting in series, and with proper polarity.

Insert the Battery in the Casing and Close the Battery Pack

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now the battery pack is ready to be placed into the casing, place the battery cells and the PCB in the casing, and place the plastic lid on top. press the lid on the edges until the plastic push fitting lock into each other completely.

Insert the Battery Pack Back in the Laptop

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now your battery pack is good as new and is ready to be placed back into your laptop. insert the pack back into your laptop

Charge the Laptop Before First Use

make sure you charge your laptop for atleast 4 hours before first use. once the charge indicator light turns off, or is completely full, you can run your laptop. Yippie! you have successfully replaced your laptop battery cells in a budget, without buying a new battery pack.

after i replaced the cells, my laptop runs for 2.5-3 hours as compared to the prevous 2 hours of runtime, from a compatible battery pack. this is because of the improved battery capacity.