How to Rescreen a Screen

Do you have outside cats who love to claw at your screen doors and windows? if so then this instructables is for you!
I wanted new screens for a fraction of the cost.
This project took less then 15 minutes!
I wanted new screens for a fraction of the cost.
This project took less then 15 minutes!

Available at Lowes or busy beaver charcoal fiberglass screen 36 x 84 (insect screening)
I also used my sewing scissors for a sharp cut.
I also used my sewing scissors for a sharp cut.
Removing the Old Screen

First remove the screen fabric from the frame by removing the thin rubber piece off the back of the screen.
Fitting the New Screen

Next roll out screen over frame to fit the screen properly. I left a small over hang see picture 2
Installing the New Screen

The last step is putting the rubber strip back in the screen frame. I uses my scissors to push the strip in snuggly. **This took the longest amount of time.

Finished! Screen is ready to be placed back into the window.