How to Sew Doll Pants

Hey there!
In this instructable, I am going to show how to make doll pants. This is the first of many pant instructables I plan to do but knowing this easy process will make those projects even easier!
I don't put hems on doll pants since they're made of felt. You could if you want, but felt doesn't necessarily need to be hemmed.
Without further delay, let's make some pants! :D

You will only need four things:
A needle
And your doll - for measuring (and wearing)
Measure and Cut Your Pieces

First, lay your doll onto the felt you intend to use (picture one), then adjust it to however long you want the pants to be. Cut about an inch into the felt to mark the length (picture two).
Fold the area you cut over the doll (picture three), and decide the width of the pant leg. Cut out the pant leg (picture four), then cut out another as in picture five.
Cut out two Js in the sides of the pant legs (pictures six and seven). However low you decide to cut the Js determines how low or high the rise will be. (Deeper J = high rise, higher J = low rise)
Sew Up the Js

It is what it sounds like. :D
Starting from the bottom (or the top if you want), sew both of the Js.
Finishing the Pants

Push the two Js together (and pin it if necessary). Now the pants really take shape.
Starting from one side, sew along the edge until you've sewn both legs.

Flip the pants inside out and you're done!