How to Sew in Bundles on a Wig

I love wigs, so I decided to learn to make them. I took a class on the basics earlier this summer. It has saved me money and time. Below I have created 6 easy instructions to help you learn how to sew in bundles on a wig!

- Wig Stand
- 1+ Bundle of Hair (more is optional for a complete wig)
- Needle and Thread
- Black Wig Cap

First you want to start by placing your bundle on the cap and sticking it down with a needle

Then you want to thread your needle by stick the thread through the tiny loop

Then you will loop the thread through the track that you placed in step 1 in a circular motion following the lines of the track to guide you

You will continue sewing all the way around the perimeter of the the cap

Once you have finished your first row you can continue the exact steps until you have covered the whole wig cap leaving the inside of the cap to look a like the picture shown above.

Congratulations now you learned how to sew bundles onto a wig!