How to Tinker a Cool Dragon

In this tutorial, I will teach you how to make a cool dragon in TinkerCAD. I suppose you have basic knowledge on using TinkerCAD.

- An account for TinkerCAD
- Many black boxes in TinkerCAD
Make Its Body Using Boxes

Use a box model, resize it, and change its color to black. Add some fins at top of it.
Make Its Tail Using Boxes

The tail of it is a repetitive pattern, you may make one unit of it and duplicate for several times.
Make Its Head Using Boxes

Use a box to build its head, use other two boxes to build its mouth. Use many small boxes to create its eyes, etc.
Make Its Legs Using Boxes

You can find that the legs are built with 3 boxes, and the back leg is generally larger than the front leg.
Make Its Wings Using Boxes

Oh well, the wings are a little tricky. The first image shows the frame of it, and the second image is showing how to crop arc shapes using cylinders.