How to Drink Beer Through Your Nose

by Tecwyn Twmffat in Cooking > Beverages

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How to Drink Beer Through Your Nose

nose drink.jpg

The is a great trick for students or anybody who finds themselves in the pub with little or no money as you can normally get someone to buy you a drink if you say that you'll drink it through your nose. There are a few things to watch out for though.

Firstly, it's advisable to be slightly tipsy before trying the trick as this dulls the slight pain you will feel in your sinuses as the beer percolates upwards. Also, when trying this for the first time, do it with a small, tall glass rather than a wide brimmed pint glass as you will get a better seal on your face and are less likely to spill it down your face. Also, and this may be obvious unless you have started drinking already, clear any snot out of your chosen nostril.

Difficulty: . . . . . . . . . .
Cost: . . . . . . . . . . Get your drink for free - do it for a dare.
Satisfaction: . . . . . . . . . . Excellent party piece.
Hazards: . . . . . . . . . . Possible yeast infection of sinuses. Risk of drowning.

Seal the Glass on Your Nose

Drink some of the beer and then press the half empty glass against your nose until it seals against your nostril.

Check for Leakage

Slowly raise the back end of the glass upwards and check if beer is leaking down your face or going into your nose. Re-adjust the beer glass on your face until it stops leaking out.

Swallow the Beer

You will feel a dull burning sensation in your sinuses and then beer will flow into your mouth. Now is the time to start swallowing and slowly raise the back of your glass until it is empty.


Slam the empty glass down on the bar and roar out loud like a lion as this will make your sponsor feel like he has got his money's worth and he may even buy you another drink.

Although this is obviously a comedy act, but please drink sensibly!

Another thing, it might be advisable to repeat the process afterwards with distilled water to wash the beer out of your sinuses.

Some useful links:

Attempt to drink a pint with a nasal straw

Pro barmen drinks a half pint on TV show

Is nose drinking dangerous?

Drinking water through the nose

Water nose drinking video