How to Make a Fuse.

by brookech in Outside > Fire

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How to Make a Fuse.

C:\Documents and Settings\charles\My Documents\My Pictures\fuse.JPG
This is an easy fuse to make. It burns really slow, like 5mm per sec.

Stuff You Need.

To make this you need:
Potassium nitrate (can be made explain later)
Potassium clorate (can be made explain later)
Powdered coal ( Can be made by crushing coal)

sorry no pic for this step.

Making the Liquid

C:\Documents and Settings\charles\My Documents\My Pictures\smoke paste.JPG
Follow this recipe
Potassium Chlorate 33 parts, Potassium Nitrate 33 parts, Sugar 24 parts, Powdered Coal 10 parts.

Make sure the coal is fine enough to go though a seive. mix it all together in a glass or beaker or a container. slowly add water until you have a thick liquid.

Coat the String.

C:\Documents and Settings\charles\My Documents\My Pictures\fuse.JPG
The title says it all. get the sring and heavly coat the string then wipe off excess with fingers.

Make the Stuff! (optional).

C:\Documents and Settings\charles\My Documents\My Pictures\burnig smoke paste.JPG
To make potassium nitrate add methanol to ammonium nitrate
(fertilizer) to make nitric acid and add anything with potassium in it.
to make potassium clorate go to it is to long to write.


Ok I forgot to put this in before.
If you don't put enough water in the compund will turn into a stiff putty and dry. If that happens it is supposed to explode. I am not responsible for any injurys/deaths caused by misuse not following instructions or anything else.

I got this from a different site but their instuctions say how to make an explosive not a fuse. I don't know weather it will explode if it drys or not.