How to Make Cheap Fake Barb Wire

by msraynsford in Living > Halloween

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How to Make Cheap Fake Barb Wire

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I needed some barb wire for a costume prop. Obviously I didnt want to use the real stuff because of the potentional for accidents. I could have brought some of the fake stuff but the cost of P&P and the item always puts me off buying them from online stores.

So I thought I'd make use of the things I have lying around the house then I dont have to wait for it to arrive and I could get on with my prop that same evening

It's a very simple and easy technique that I hope people will follow and use in the future.

The Materials

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You will need:

String, roughly 2.5 times more string than you want barbed wire.
PVA glue, the staple of many a project
Grey Paint, I used grey poster paint, actually white and black mixed but anything that will mix with the glue will be fine.

Make up a pot of glue. I diluted mine down 1:1 with water, which means it dries softer and is easier to work with. I mixed the grey paint into the glue at this stage to ensure nice even colouring. Roughly 4:1 is my ratio of dilluted glue to paint.

Making the Wire

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Take a length of string roughly twice as long as you want the wire to be. This string will have a natural twist from it's own construction. The string I have is twisted clockwise. Tie one end of the string to an object (I trapped mine under a weight on the table) continue to twist the string in the same direction as it's construction.

Now comes the trick for the wire. Carefully fold the string in half, it should start to twist around itself because of the extra twists you just put in the string. With a little nudge you can place these twists evenly along the length of the string. This will form the base of your barbed wire.

Next you need to dunk the string into the glue, make sure it is covered all over and none of the string shows through the glue. The best way to do this is just to accept you're going to get glue all over your fingers and enjoy it. Hang the string up to dry, or curl it up on a surface, just make sure it isnt touching itself or you'll have a gluey mess.

Making the Barbs

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Each barb starts life as a length of string about 10cm long. Dunk this string in the glue and coat it thoroughly. Then wrap it around the wire section you prepared earlier. It will try to straighten itself out again so leave it resting on a surface until the glue has set a little.

Once the barb has dried completely then cut the ends at an angle to give it a pointed look.

Repeat this process to place barbs at your own preferred spacings along the wire, before you know it you'll have a long section for your own project