How to Solve a 4 by 4 by 4 Rubik's Cube

by Sorunome in Living > Toys & Games

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How to Solve a 4 by 4 by 4 Rubik's Cube

Intro (4).jpeg

here you'll learn how to solve a 4 by 4 by 4 rubik's cube. Before the start I wantedto say that I'm german, so if I made any spellingmistakes please tell me. I also wanted to say, that I invented all the movments at my one exept of the movment of the spetiel case.

Before You Begin

Legende (4).jpeg

Before beginning you should know what the movments mean. If there are only the letters turn it clockwise, if there is the letter and ' turn counterclockwise.


Gemischt (4).jpeg

First Color Centers

Step 1 1 (4).jpeg
Step 1 2 (4).jpeg
Step 1 3 (4).jpeg
Step 1 4 (4).jpeg
In this first step you'll make the center of the fist color.
The algorythmus of the first pic is:
Ff d f'
The algorythmus of the second pic is :
Rr' d' r
The algorythmus of the third pic is:
r' d2 r d Rr' d' r

The "cross"

Step 2 1 (4).jpeg
Step 2 2 (4).jpeg
Step 2 3 (4).jpeg
Step 2 4 (4).jpeg
Step 2 5 (4).jpeg
Step 2 6 (4).jpeg
Step 2 7 (4).jpeg
Step 2 8 (4).jpeg
Step 2 9 (4).jpeg

Now you'll make a "cross". You'll find every movement on the picsw.
The algorythmus of the first pic is:
d' R' d R
The algorythmus of the second pic is:
u R u2 R'
The algorythmus of the third pic is:
u L' u' L
The algorythmus of the fourth pic is:
d' R d2 R'
The algorythmus of the fifth pic is:
F' u F
The algorythmus of the sixth pic is:
F' d F D l D' l' F d' F'
The algorythmus of the seventh pic is:
F' u' F
The algorythmus of the eighth pic is:
F d' F' D' r' D r F' d F

Finishing the First Layer

Step 3 2 (4).jpeg
Step 3 1 (4).jpeg
Step 3 3 (4).jpeg
Step 3 4 (4).jpeg
Now you will complete the first layer. You'll find everything on the pictures.
The Algorythmus for the first pic is:
F D F'
The Algorythmus for the second pic is:
L' D' L
The Algorythmus for the third pic is:
L' D2 L D L' D' L

The Center Pieces of the Second Layer

Step 4 1 (4).jpeg
Step 4 2 (4).jpeg
Step 4 3 (4).jpeg
Step 4 4 (4).jpeg
Step 4 5 (4).jpeg
It's finally time fore the center pieces of the second layer. You'll find all movments on the pics.
The algorythmus of the first pic is:
d2 F L d F' d' F d F' d' F L' F'
The algorythmus for the secod pic is:
d2 F L d F' d' F L' F'
The algorythmus for the third pic is:
Uu d F' L' d' F d F' d' F d F' L F Uu'
The algorythmus for the fourth pic is:
Uu d F' L' d' F d F' L F Uu'

Completing the Second Layer

Step 5 1 (4).jpeg
Step 5 2 (4).jpeg
Step 5 3 (4).jpeg
Now you'll complete the second layer.
The Algorythmus for the first pic is:
D' L' D' L D F D F'
The Algorythmus for the second pic is:
D F D F' D' L' D' L
The algorythmus for the fird pic is:
L' D' L D F D F' D L' D' F D F D F'

Center Pieces of the Third Layer

Step 6 1 (4).jpeg
Step 6 2 (4).jpeg
Step 6 3 (4).jpeg
Now you'll make the centers of the third layer.
The algorythmus ofthe first pic is:
l' U2 l U l' U l
The algorythmus of the second pic is:
r U2 r' U' r U' r'

Finishing the Third Layer

Step 7 1 (4).jpeg
Step 7 2 (4).jpeg
Step 7 3 (4).jpeg
You'll finish the third layer.
The algorythmus for the first pic is:
U' F Rr U F' U' F Rr' F'
The algorythmus for the second pic is:
Uu d' F' Ll' D' F D F' Ll F

Switching Corners

Step 8 1 (4).jpeg
Step 8 2 (4).jpeg

Now it's time to swap cornerpieces. They don't have to be turned correctly, just swaped correctly.
The algorythmus is:
B U B' U' B' R B R'

Turning Corners

Step 9 1 (4).jpeg
Step 9 2 (4).jpeg
It's time to turn the cornerpieces. The algorythmus is:
L U' L' U L U' L' D L U L' U' L U L' D'

Putting the Edgepieces in the Right Space

Step 10 1 (4).jpeg
Step 10 2 (4).jpeg
Step 10 3 (4).jpeg
Now comes the most complecated step. You'll have to put the edgepieces into the right posisson. You'll have to make first edgepiecepairs with opposit colors. You'll have to switch edgepairs to switch the edges correctly. You'll find everything on the pics.
The algorythmus for the first pic is:
r U2 l' U2 l  U2 r'  U2 l' U2 l U2
The algorythmus for the second pic is:
l' r U' l r' U2 l' r U' l r'

Tilting the Edgepairs

Step 11 1 (4).jpeg
Step 11 2 (4).jpeg
You're finally at the last step! Its time to tilt the edgepairs.
The algorythmus is:
 R u' d R2 u2 d2 R U' R' u2 d2 R2 u d' R' U

Special Case

Step 12 1 (4).jpeg
You'll sometimes have a special case, that only one edgepair has to be tilted.
The algorythmus is:
r2 B2 U2 l U2 r' U2 r U2 F2 r F2 l' B2 r2