Humidity Light

by emdee401 in Circuits > Arduino

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Humidity Light


Let's see how Humidity is doing today...

This arduino controlled LED light changes color when the humidity is not optimal.

Whenever the humidity is below 40%, the color will change to Red

Between 40 and 60% the color will be green

Above 60%, the color will change to Yellow

The humidity is measured with a DHT11 sensor

The lights consists of 4 ( or whatever you like) neopixel lights.

A Arduino Nano is in charge of this battery powered device and the Arduino software is simple and straight forward. It is easy to adjust it to your needs.


Arduino Nano

Neopixels LED. you can use 1 or up to 254, it's all up to you!

Sensor for humidity and temperature: DHT11

Batteries and something to hold everything together.

Stripping the Light...

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To keep everything together, you can pick anything you like. Considering the fact that I will enter this in the lighting competition..what better housing could i possibly pick other then this beautiful light bulb that I bought a local store. ( for people living in The Netherlands, it was a bizar alike store names "Action")

First you'll need to take it apart and strip all preinstalled components so nothing but the battery compartment and the on/off switch remain. We will use this with our arduino

Mounting Our Components

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First, I placed the ledstrip with 4 neopixel LEDS. It has self adhesive so this step is easy!

Next to it i placed the Arduino Nano, using some hot Glue.

The Humidity sensor is placed on the other side so it sits on top of the light bulb, under the metal cover. I used hot glue to keep it in place.

And of course you will have to wire it all up

It's not that hard... take a look at the schematic.

Furthermore, I drilled a hole of about 6mm in the metal cover where the humidity sensor is located. That way, we are sure to measure the humidity of the room and not the inside of the box only.

Enjoy the Color of Humidity

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Oeps... almost forgot.....Don't forget to program it first.

You will need to install the arduino app for that...but my guess is that you already have done that.

Now.....according to internet, in general, humans prefer the humidity to be between 40 and 60%.

So look at the light to see how your environment is doing.

Humidity is 39% or less, the color of the light will be RED

Humidity is between 40% and 59%, the color of the light will be GREEN

Humidity is 40% or more, the color of the light will be YELLOW

You dont like the colors? it's easy to change in the is the brightness....

He, you can even change it and use the temperature to change the color of the light instead of humidity..

Knock yourself out! No copyrights...that's the good thing about this build and and learn...