Hydrogen Sniper Rifle

Here is a simple hydroxy sniper rifle that I made. It made from random parts I had laying around (PVC, Nerf Parts, Lighter) and uses a hydroxy gas to propel a DIY Minié ball.
It is chambered in 3/8'' and has insane amounts of penetration (will blow through a couple coffee cans in a row)
The Minié Ball

I would compare the projectile to a Minié ball because it was based around the same principles. The round is made from a marble wrapped in scotch tape, then gorilla tape, and then partially filled with hot glue. When fired the rounds outer wrap expands with the hot gasses making an airtight fit against the barrel. The accuracy of a plain marble is rather poor at long range as it tends to arc all over the place (think musket). However, my design provides stability and accuracy at long range due to the skirt acting as a stabilizer of sorts.
One thing I have noticed about the round is that once the round impacts the target, it tends to separate sending the marble into the target leaving its outer shell to fall to the ground. This 'feature' is very helpful since the marble has impressive penetration when not encumbered by the outer tape shell.

Here is a snapshot of it disassembled. It is very compact which is useful for storage. I am planning on adding some additional things to it like a laser and internal clip. Right now, however, it is pretty skeletal and ugly.

Here is the video of it firing. It went through 4 shoe boxes stuffed with grocery bags, through some foam padding, and into a fluffy chair. I have also fired it against wood and it passed through pieces up to a quarter inch thick.