IOT Server With Prometheus and Grafana Monitoring a ESP8266 TASMOTA

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IOT Server With Prometheus and Grafana Monitoring a ESP8266 TASMOTA

prometheus-grafana (1).png

In this project, I will guide you through setting up an IoT server on a Raspberry Pi or in your preffered device with the open-source tools Prometheus and Grafana.

The Prometheus server will collect data from an ESP8266 or ESP32 device running a customized Tasmota firmware configured to expose metrics (Temperature and Humidity) compatible with Prometheus.

With Grafana, you’ll be able to visualize Graphically the data such as temperature, humidity, and other Tasmota metrics exposed.

Prometheus and Grafana provides a comprehensive solution for IoT data collection and visualization.

NOTE: This project does not require MQTT, Node-red, InfluxDb, it only requires your IOT device ESP8266 or ESP32 flashed with a customized Tasmota firmware version and Prometheus and Grafana.

This setup is quite unique as most of the instructions and videos available to achieve the same visualization solution requires MQTT, Node-red and other time series database.

So, watch the video and follow these instructions to achieve the same results. I hope you enjoy this project!


  1. raspberry-pi (Not really mandatory, you can setup Prometheus and Grafana in Windows, Linux or macOS systems)
  2. ESP8266 flashed with Tasmota firmware (Note: not a standard Tasmota, but a customized one that will be detailed in this instruction.
  3. DHT11 or other temperature sensor or even other sensor that you want to monitor on Grafana.

Installation of Prometheus and Grafana

Prometheus and Grafana can be installed on virtually any operating system or hardware. For this guide, I installed them on a Raspberry Pi. The Raspberry Pi is a great option because it’s lightweight, energy-efficient, and convenient to keep running 24/7 in your home.

However, you are not limited to using a Raspberry Pi. These tools can also be installed on a notebook or desktop running Linux, Windows, or macOS. Alternatively, you can install them using Docker, which I demonstrate in the accompanying video. While Docker simplifies the initial installation process, it may introduce complexity when managing files, as you need to map or mount directories from your system to the Docker container.

Choose the setup that best fits your environment and use case.

Install prometheus: Follow this guideline in case of raspberry-pi installation: - You can also search for installation of instructions of Prometheus in official page or even on chatgpt

With Prometheus running, access its web interface by opening a browser and navigating to:


Install Grafana:

To install Grafana on your Raspberry Pi. Open the terminal and type:

wget -q -O - | sudo apt-key add -

echo 'deb stable main' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/grafana.list

sudo apt update
sudo apt install grafana

Once installed, start the Grafana service with:

sudo systemctl start grafana-server
sudo systemctl enable grafana-server

This ensures Grafana starts automatically when your Raspberry Pi boots.

With Grafana running, access its web interface by opening a browser and navigating to:


Log in with the default credentials: username admin and password admin. You’ll be prompted to set a new password for security.

ESP8266 Flashed With Customized Tasmota for Prometheus


Prometheus is a powerful monitoring system designed to handle data in two primary ways:

  1. Scraping (Pull Model): Prometheus actively retrieves data from a node, system, or device that exposes metrics via a /metrics endpoint on a web server.
  2. Ingesting (Push Model): Prometheus also supports pushing data into its database using its REST API, typically through intermediary tools like Pushgateway.

In this project, we’ll use the scraping approach. The ESP8266 or ESP32 microcontroller will expose a REST endpoint named /metrics containing the data we want to monitor. We will configure Prometheus to scrape this endpoint at regular intervals, collecting the data and storing it in its time-series database.

Once Prometheus is set up and scraping data successfully, we’ll integrate Grafana, a powerful visualization tool. Grafana will connect to the Prometheus database, retrieve the stored metrics, and display them on dynamic dashboards. This setup will provide us with a comprehensive monitoring system, ideal for IoT projects.

Key Benefits of This Setup:

  1. Scalability: Prometheus can handle multiple devices and endpoints, making it ideal for projects with several IoT nodes.
  2. Visualization: Grafana offers highly customizable dashboards, enabling us to analyze trends and monitor the health of our system in real time.
  3. Open Source: Both Prometheus and Grafana are free and widely supported by an active community, ensuring flexibility and longevity for your projects.

Now that you understand the overall architecture and benefits, let’s dive in and start building our monitoring and visualization system!

So, how ESP8266 can expose the metrics from the sensor that you are using, in our case the DHT11 that reads Temperature and Humidity?

Fist, you need to compile your version of Tasmota, but do not worry, if you never did it, it is more simple that you think! This is because you can access for free the Tasmota project on GitPod, you just need to create an account and them you have already the project setup for you, you will only need to enable one flag, give the command to compile and then download your compiled version.

Simplest way to compile is with GitPod, requires only a web browser.

  1. Click here: Master Release:
  2. Access the project, you need to have GitHub account, if not create a new one.
  3. After you get access to the project, find the file /tasmota/my_user_config.h
  4. Search for the word Prometheus and you will find the line below


  1. Uncomment it like below:


Note: if you want to use a temperature and pressure sensor like BPM280 you also need to enable its flag, search for BPM and uncomment it as well. If you are using DHT11 you do not need to change anything else besides USE_PROMETHEUS.

  1. Compile now the project by typing this command in the web shell at the botton of the webpage:

platformio run -e tasmota

  1. After compilation is finished you can download the tasmota.bin.gz in the folder, by right clicking and click on download option:


  1. Download it to flash your ESP8266 with this new compiled tasmota firmware that has USE_PROMETHEUS enabled.

Flash Your ESP8266


OTA Flash

If you already have Tasmota flashed on your device, you can use the File Upload OTA method to load the new firmware binary file

  1. Download tasmota-minimal.bin.gz
  2. Make a backup of the device configuration using the web UI Configuration menu option.
  3. Upload tasmota-minimal.bin.gz to your device using the web UI Firmware Upgrade selection. Choose Upgrade by file upload.
  4. After tasmota-minimal.bin.gz is successfully loaded, select Firmware Upgrade once again and upload the firmware file compiled using Gitpod, from previous step.

Step 1-3 only applies to ESP8266, where you should use the .bin.gz file for upgrades.

Check this page if you find any issue or instructions above are not clear. In case you do not have Tasmota yet installed, check carefully this page from Tasmota Getting Started! Attention to hardware preparation on the first installation.

Configure Your Tasmota Device and Wireup Your Sensor


Add your DHT11 or BMP280 sensor in you ESP device. Note, to use BMP280 in Tasmota, you also need to enable the flag of it and compile it.

Configure the Tasmota GPIO to receive the sensor data.

Take note of the IP that your Tasmota device is using, if you do not find it, check on your router or install a app called Fing in your mobile to search of it. If possible fix the IP assigned to your Tasmota with the Tasmota MAC Address in your router, in this way it will never change. Or define a hostname and create a internal DNS server in your raspberry-pi or computer.

Test now the metrics endpoint by accessing:


If you receive a data like in the picture, you are good to continue and configure Prometheus.

Now your ESP8266 will continue webserving the data on this /metrics endpoint and we need to configure Prometheus now to scrape or pull the data from this endpoint. By scrapping it, Prometheus will store the data on its timeseries database and Grafana should be configure to have Prometheus as a datasource, in this way you can create Grafana Dashboards that has access to your Prometheus source that has your ESP data and the end-to-end is completed.

Configuration of Prometheus


Just add in the file prometheus.yml a new entry of scrape_configs: like in the image.

The target IP or hostname should be related to the IP of your ESP8266 Tasmota IP. You also should define a job_name. Note that your prometheus server should be in the same network or your tasmota IP should somehow be reacheable by your prometheus server.

In my prometheus.yml as example below I added my tasmota IP that was :

After adding it, save and close the prometheus.yml file and restart your Prometheus server.

As I was using docker to run my prometheus server and did a docker stop prometheus and then a docker start prometheus.

After that enter in your prometheus dashboard :


And check your targets, the new entry should ne UP and shown in above image.

Configuration of Grafana


Add prometheus as data source.

Save and Test it. Now you can create and configure the dashboard to show the sensor data graphically.

Grafana Dashboard


Configure the dashboard by creating a new one as steps shown in the image. Repeat it by creating another visualization for other metrics.

For instance, create a new Dashboard and add a visualization panel and configure the metric. Save it.

Add a panel and choose the metric below: (check your <tasmota-ip>/metrics to choose the correct metric depending on your sensor, I was using BMP280.


Run the metric, add unit, title and save the Dashboard.

Add another visualization for other metric.

Add a panel and choose the metric below (if using sensor BPM280).


Run the metric, add unit, title and save the Dashboard.

I will provide soon a video showing all of these steps in my youtube channel called Electrofun, if you have any comments or suggestions fell free to contribute, cheers!