Ideation Canvas for Makers

This canvas is designed by Xarxa d'Ateneus de Fabricació de l'Ajuntament de Barcelona to facilitate the ideation process when doing a digital fabrication project with schools and maker space users.
- 3mm Plexiglass, shiny surface (will be used as a whiteboard)
- Wood sheets aprox 3-4mm
- Samples of each material available at the workshop
Download the pdf or svg file
Change titles and texts according to your needs.
Arrange the shapes of the canvas according to your lasercuter's dimensions. We suggest to use empty spaces in the canvas to cut smaller pieces like technologies or evaluation items.
You can create new taggs/technologies/materials according to the context of the project.

Laser cut the shapes in wood and the whiteboard part in 3mm plexiglass
Paint the biggest wooden piece in a color (optional)
Glue the framing with the whiteboard placed to make sure it fits later. Don't glue the whiteboard it has to be removable.
Laser cut, mill or 3D print samples of each available material and put the name of it so the users can learn about them.