Impromptu Wing Screw

The task was a simple dust off and set up a gate to keep a dog out of a room. But since the last time this toddler gate was used the Wing Screw went missing. It wasn't worth a trip to a hardware store. So I put on my thinking cap, follow along to see what I did to make an Impromptu Wing Screw.
You lost your fastener, you do not know what to do,
No need to fret or become upset,
Follow this list to make an Impromptu Wing Screw.
Next Materials and Tools
Materials and Tools

1. Wing Nut
2. Hex Bolt
1. Water Pump Pliers
2. Common Screw Driver
Time to Complete
3 - 5 Min.
Skill Level
Next Tread, Spread & Set
Tread, Spread & Set

1. Twist the Wing Nut as far on the Bolt as you can.
2. Use the Screw Driver to spread both wings.
3. Twist the Wing Nut the rest of the way.
Next Crimp, Crimp, Crimp
Crimp, Crimp, Crimp

There is a little play so you need to crimp the empty space so the Wing Nut sits tightly on the Bolt head.
Crimp the Wings,
Crimp the Sides,
Crimp the Top,
Crimp until the cows come home.
Next Observations and Summary
Observations & Summary

This is an easy way to make a Wing Screw.
The benefits of this design are
No Cutting,
No Filing,
No Gluing,
No Welding,
No Baloney.
The dog stayed out of the room. I am satisfied with the results.
Then I saw, and considered it well. I looked upon it, and received instruction..