Indestructible Burn Barrel

I purchased this air compressor with a blown motor for $ 20.00.
Remove the Motor From the Tank

Step (1) First thing i had to do was to remove the motor and pump from the tank.
Layout the Line

Step(1) i measured down from the top from the weld 8 inches all the way around the tank.
step (2) make a cutting line with a black marker..
Cutting the Top Off.

step(1) using a 4 1/2 in grinder with a thin cut off disk i cut off the top of the compressor.
Remove the Bottom Plug

Step (1) remove the 2 '' pipe plug from the bottom of the compressor . This helps air to get into the tank and for drainage.
Drilling Holes

Step (1) i marked out 3 holes every 10 inches in four different spots around the tank .
step(2) i drilled all holes with a 5/8 drill bit.
Finished and ready to use .