Inine : Dual Camping Lighting
by mridujhangiani in Outside > Camping
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Inine : Dual Camping Lighting



The importance of lighting lies in it's ability to create emotions. Be it soothing, energizing or simply warm, apt use of lighting solutions always gives a space character, making it appear 3 dimensional.
Inine is a DIY light, that uses a rechargeable battery and LED lights.
It functions on the basis of a 3 way switch, where a single unit can be used either as a torch light or as an ambient light.
Perfect for camping, Inine units come with the optional facility to be hung from the base.
Completely detachable, the entire structure can be opened up into individual components.
Inine uses standardized, easy to find materials and is 100% customizable in terms of colours, sizes and filters.
Step 1 : Material & Tools List

PVC pipe : Outer Diameter : 75mm , H : 40mm Thickness : 2mm
Acrylic tube Length :160mm, Outer Diameter : 75mm Thickness : 3mm
Rubber bands ( 2 large ) For dismantling,reinforcement and hanging faciity
Acrylic sheet : White Thickness : 4mm (Tube body)
Acrylic sheet : Transparent : Thickness : 2mm ( Parts of internal and external body)
4 Magnets Diameter : 5mm
LEDs - 3 white, 3 yellow. 5V LEDs
MDF Thickness : 3mm D : Outer Diameter :
3 AAA rechargeable battery
Battery holder
Soldering wire
3 way switch
Conducting wire/ ribbon wire
Spray paint
Coloured gateway paper
Optional : Carabiner clip
Emery Paper ( 320 grit )
Needle file
Glue gun
Soldering iron
Machines :
All Cut
Buffing Wheel
Laser cutting machine
Rip saw
Step 2 : Making the Body

Step 2 :
Using the vector files provided, laser cut ;
File 1 : Transparent acrylic discs (2)
File 2 : MDF discs (2)
File 3 : Solid coloured acrylic disc, engrave along the intersecting lines (b) (1)
File 4 : Reinforced disc (1)
Acrylic Tube

Acrylic Tube :
- Cut the acrylic tube to a length of 160 mm using a rip saw.
- Using Emery paper, place the tube perpendicular to the paper and make the edges smooth.
- Wet sand if required. Use a cotton buffing wheel to remove any scratches and dirt.
- Sub assembly : Hot glue the solid white acrylic disc ( File 3) at one end of the acrylic tube using a glue gun.

PVC Pipe :
- Measuring the protrusions from the transparent disc (a) from File 1 ;
- Make ridges ( using All Cut machine and needle file) along the PVC pipe in accordance with (a) such that; when (a) is placed on the ridge faced opening of the PVC tube, the two surfaces interlock.
- Sand the PVC pipe smooth making sure there are no uneven surfaces. P.S : The protrusions from (a) are of the same measurement as the distance between the engravings on (b) .
- Measure the dimensions of the switch ( height & width ) and make a groove along the untouched side of the PVC pipe.
MAKE SURE TO MAKE A GROOVE OF HEIGHT (height+ 3 mm) to accommodate the 3 mm MDF disk inside it at a later stage.
Machine used : All Cut and needle file
1. OPTIONAL Measure the size of the micro USB female pin ( height and width ) and make a cut out along the switch side of the PVC pipe
In case you want to charge the product using a micro USB and rechargeable batteries. Important : Add 3 mm to the height of the micro USB slot in this case, if executed.
PVC Surface

Step 3 :
- Primer the PVC part by air brushing.
- Sand the primer pieces, ensuring the surface is even.
- Spray paint the parts using any desired colour. (Air brushing facility or spray can)
- Hot glue the switch into the slot created for it on the PVC pipe such that the base of the switch is glued to the underside of the yellow light MDF disc.
There are 2 grooves in the image. One is for the switch, while the other is for USB pin in case that method of recharging is used.
MDF Discs - LEDs

MDF discs :
- Depending on the number of LEDs desired ( maximum 3 ), drill holes of size 8.5mm using a drill bit, such that the LEDs sit in them perfectly.
- Drill 3 closely placed holes into one MDF disc. (White LEDs)
- Drill 3 spaced out holes into the other MDF dics. (Yellow LEDs)
- Primer the MDF discs.
- Leave to dry for a couple of hours.
- Sand the piece using emery paper until all surfaces are even.
- Spray paint the parts using any desired colour. You can use LEDs of any colour. Torch light - White Ambient light - Yellow
- Hot glue 3 white LEDs in an orientation such that all negatives are on one side and all positives on the other.
- Hot glue 3 yellow LEDs in a similar orientation as mentioned above.
Magnetic Discs

- Get a hold of the laser cut pieces from File 4
- Hot glue the 2 pieces together.
- Hot glue a magnet into each of the holes. (2 holes )
- Fit this double disc part at the open end of the tube, such that it perfectly fits at just the beginning. It would require some force to fit it into place.
B. In line with the position of the 2 magnets from part A.
- Hot glue two magnets onto the round transparent disc (File 1) such that A and B create a magnetic force of attraction between them.

Build the circuit, referring to the diagram and pictures.
One side of each LED has a small slot cut out to represent the negative terminal.
- Solder the LEDs in parallel using a soldering iron, soldering wire and connecting wires ( grey & white )
- Alternate the orientation of the AAA batteries, solder the end with a connecting wire. ( Black wires )
- On one end, extend the grey wires ( positive ) and solder them to the negative of one battery.
- Extend one white wire from each disc. Solder one white wire to any one position of the 3 way switch. ( Any 1 of the 3 closely positioned legs )
- Extend the other white wire, to either of the 2 positions remianing of the 3 way switch.
- Solder a grey wire, from the remaining open end of the battery to the switch to complete the circuit. ( Solder it the the leg that is separated from the 3 closely positioned legs ).
AAA batteries can be placed in the holder, so as to replace them as and when required.
Suggestion : A rechargeable lithium ion battery along with a charging circuit can be used as a substitute to the AAA batteries. Since AAA batteries are easily available, I have used them in this case.

- Hot glue the switch side of the PVC tube onto the transparent disc that separates the acrylic tube from the PVC & LEDs.
- The PVC piece is now attached to the transparent disc.
- Sandwich the circuit between the 2 MDF discs and fit them into the PVC disc such that the yellow LED light face is placed in contact with the transparent disc.
- Ensure the light is facing downward into the tube.
P.S : Attach a rubber washer along the edge of the top disc (white LED) in case it gets lose over time.
Final Assembly

- Place the transparent ridged acrylic disc (File 1) onto the PVC ridged face opening, such that the two parts interlock.
- Using 2 large rubber bands, take each rubber band along the inter-sectional engraving on the bottom, and stretch it along the body of the product, till the top and around the positive ridges, to hold it in place.
- The rubber bands reinforce the structure and act as a hanging provision from a bag/tent when attached to a carabiner clip..
- Suggestion : Can place a reflector between the yellow LED light disc and the transparent ridges discs, if you want to focus the torch light.
- The tube can also be used to store edibles or water packets while camping.

- Buy a gateway sheet of a desired colour and cut it to the height of 15.5mm.
- Measure the circumference of the tube with the paper rolled inside it, making sure to leave 5 mm at the end to stick it to form a cylinder.
- You can now simply crumple the paper, roll it and place it inside the tube.
- Suggestions : Kite paper can also be used. Simple origami structures, or cut outs can create patterns when lit up.