Instructables Enhancer - a Userscript That Enhances Instructables

by Sorunome in Circuits > Websites

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Instructables Enhancer - a Userscript That Enhances Instructables


Instructables Enhancer is a userscript which enhances your experience when using instructables.


  • Settings menu as a new sub-menu on the you-settings page
  • Auto-checking for updates and notification bubble
  • Displaying comments in the old tree from
  • Displaying comments in the old way
  • Display page buttons for orange boards
  • Fix comment page navigation
  • Fix line-break bug when editing the about-zone
  • Full screen-width for widescreen monitors
  • Hide (removed by author or community request)
  • Make the font size smaller again
  • Make the background orange
  • Fix the comment deleting
  • Added a 'cancel reply' button when replying
  • Fixed the image-uploader in comments
  • Display Ible embed button
  • Better answers navigation
  • Brought back the rich editor and preview button to comments
  • Inline editor on instructables
  • Use the old instructables editor!

This instructable is a guide on how to install and use this userscript.

If you have any suggestions/complaints/questions feel free to leave a comment below!

If you like this project, be sure to check out my website!

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First you'll need an add-on to run userscripts. Which on to take depends on your browser:


The plugin for chrome is called Tampermonkey.
get Tampermonkey in the Chrome Store


For Firefox, Greasemonkey is needed
get Greasemonkey in the add on section

Internet Explorer

For Internet Explorer, IE7Pro can be used, however, not all features might work with this program.
IE7Pro download


For Apple's Safari, GreaseKit works with Greasemonkey userscripts
GreaseKit on

The Script

To install the script, simply go here:
In Firefox, you have to wait about 5 seconds, then click 'install', in Chrome, simply hit 'ok'

The Settings Menus

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This script has it's own settings menu, you can access it via different ways:
First there is a new option in settings, labeled 'Instructables Enhancer'. Hit it and you will see the options. In adition it also displays you the current version and if you'll be able to update.

The other way is by using the new option in the 'you' drop-down menu:

The pop-up menu looks like this:

Check for New Updates

The userscript automatically searches for new updates.
When there is an update available, a notification pops up in the top-right corner of your screen. You can choose to either update it, or dismiss it.
In addition it will also display you on the setting pages if there are new updates available.
To update it simpley click the link, if the browser asks you if you want to update it hit ok. The page will refresh automatically after 10 seconds and the settings menu will pop-up to show you the changes.

Display Comment Trees

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Comment trees, remember that old feature?
Wasn't it awesome to be able view the comments in tree format?
Well, here you have your feature back!
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Use Old-style Comments

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How comments used to look before instructables changed it......just looks far better together with the comment trees.
Using old-style comments Using old-style comments and comment trees

Display Page-Buttons on Comments

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This option brings back page buttons on OrangeBoards and Instructables!


Fix Instructables Indicator on Comments

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On orangeboards the indicator of how many instructables the poster has is broken, this option fixes it.
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Fix Line-break Bug When Editing the About Zone

This fixes the problem that occurs when editing your "about zone".
Without the script, when editing this part of your profile, any enters you make won't show up when you save it.
The text would just show up, with everything behind each other.
The script fixes this, and the enters you added will show up on your profile.
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Make Page Change Size With Screen Size (especially Good With Widescreen)

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Instructables looks pretty ugly on widescreen monitors, as the content is only in the center.
This option will strech the content based on your screen resolution, so it also looks good with non-widescreen monitors!
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Hide (removed by Author or Community Request)

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Deleted comments leave a comment containing "(removed by author or community request)" behind.
That can be very annoying, to hide them all activate this option!
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Smaller Font-size

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Ugh, just recently 'ibles changed the font size to be huge, this option make it back to the previous one!
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Make Instructables (color)

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This option changes the background color to whatever you want! To figure out which color code to use, go to a site like this one. The Instructables orange color code is #d44400 (this is the default color when the enhancer is first installed).
You can also use the pre-defined colors and type in like 'red' to have it red, or 'black' to have it black.
For the more advanced users: any valid CSS color will work, also colors in the rgb() mode or any other mode.
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Add More Comment Buttons

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This option adds 3 buttons to comments: cancel, preview, and rich editor. 

Cancel: Allows you to cancel a comment to make the box disappear into the void.

Rich editor: Brings back the old rich editor that was removed from the comments on 1/9/14.

Preview: You can preview a comment to see what it'll look like before posting (especially useful if you're using custom html). Like the rich editor, this was removed from the normal comment boxes, so this brings it back.

Enhance Comment Deleting

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Often, when you try to delete a comment, the page will either reload without deleting it, or you are sent to your You Page.
This option makes deleting comments easier, without having to reload the page.

Comments Pager AJAX

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Load comment pages without the need of a whole page refresh when clicking the page buttons!
This also speeds up the comment loading.

Save the Ponies

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Fix Upload Form in Comments

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This feature, at the moment, does nothing. In the future it will bring the old look of the image uploader back, like the one in the pictures.

Display Embed Button

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This feature adds a button so you can easily embed Instructables on other sites! You can also modify the iframe and JavaScript and preview the embedded Ible. The look of the embedded Ible is different from the default embedding to allow for it to be larger, faster, and more simple.

Better Answers Navigation

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The default answers page only has one set of options for sorting answers. This feature adds options to sort by the main categories and channels so that you can further narrow your search. These can be selected in the drop-down menus. The main categories can also be selected via the icons in the header.

Enable Inline Editor

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This option will make it possible to edit the text of your Instructables by double-clicking the text when viewing it! No need to go to the edit page!

When editing a box will appear that has many features of the rich editor.  

Warning: Spell check doesn't work, and if you click on any drop-down menu the editor will close.

To save just simply click somewhere else on the page, on the bottom right of the text you just edited it will say 'Saved'.


So, what's next?
Here are a few feature ideas I'll (maybe) be working on, if you have any more ideas, please leave a comment!
  • Fontsize buttons in the advanced editor
  • Color button in the advanced editor

That's it for now!
Thanks to Shadowman39 and dr. richtofen for helping me create this documention!

Comment, rate and subscribe!
Also, check out my website!