Interactive Menu

A menu that a customer can touch and both see the total and hear it read to them.

- Arduino Nano
- Breadboard
- Speaker
- Jumper cables
- Wood
- Alligator clips
- Copper tape
- 2-in 1 usb and jumper cable charger
- Adafruit MPR121
Code and Sound Files
Here are the provided code and sound files.
Laser Cut Out a Frame and Box

Laser cut a frame and a box out. The frame has an out dimension of 11.5" x 15" while the box is 6"x6"x3". Furthermore, on one side of the box cut a hole for speakers and power cables. In the frame, cut out a 2.75" x .975" slot for the LCD display. Glue and assemble all pieces together. For the backing of the frame, I choose to use cardboard but a piece of wood will work just as well.
Assemble Electronics

To assemble the electronics, for the LCD display, please follow this guide from ADAfruit as it comprehensively explains what pins go where.
The only change is instead of plugging the ground and 5v from the Arduino into the rail, use an external 5v charger as the nano does not supply enough power.
For the MPR121, the power goes to 3.3v, black goes to ground, yellow goes to A5 and blue goes to A4. Finally, for the speaker, the ground goes to the ground and clips to the base of the speaker. The yellow plugs into D3 and clips to the tip of the speaker.
Assemble Everything

Once everything is created, assemble the piece by putting all electronics into the box and sliding a menu into place. The LCD display will show from the slot. Attach copper tape to the frame itself and use alligator clips to connect to the MPR121 so that touch points can change based on menu changes.