I made this because I can't think of more 3projectsct that I can make, so I just made the juice. which is a great idea

Step 1: Drag a Cone from the shape list on the right side of the screen and change the base radius to 10 and the top radius to 9. Now the cone will look like a trapezoid.
Step 2:

Step 2: Make one more trapezoid-looking cone by clicking the “duplicate” button, and put it upside down. After this, click on this cone, then press SHIFT and click the first cone. Now the two cones are chosen. Then by pressing CTRL(CONTROL) + G, these 2 cones are grouped and you can see a mug-like shape will appear.

Step 3: Click the mug-like shape and make one more of it by pressing the “duplicate” button. Then make its length and the width equal. but no higher and wider than the first one.

Step 4: Drag a box from the shape list and make another small box by duplicating it and changing its length and width. Then put most of them overlapped, making it the hole version. You will see a handle. Group the handle with the mug-like shape we made in the first 3 steps, putting it beside the cup.

Step 5: Duplicate the mug and press the ungroup button twice, then delete the solid cup and the handle. Only the hole version of the mug is left. The move the hole version to the certer of the mug. Then change it back to the solid version. This is the liquid in the mug!

Step 6: Change liquid to any colors that you want. AND WELL DONE! You can add some straws if you want to.