James Develin's Gym

Hello there, my name is Ranuga and this is my third Instructables project. This is a fitness rehabilitation center that I designed to Make it a Real contest. This gym is fully designed with Autodesk Fusion 360. This gym is 90% environment-friendly because the electricity is generated by solar panels which are at the top of the building. When rainy seasons there no enough sunlight for solar panels, so it's not 100%.
- The building part is around 12100 square feet.
- Cost for this gym is $1000,000-$1500,000
1)Autodesk Fusion 360(Fusion 360 is an easy and perfect 3D and 2D designing software).
Security & Car Parking

Security is a major title in any building. There are millions of thieves in the world. So it should be secured from them. I designed a guard room and wall around the gym. Also, there are CCTV cameras and the output is monitoring 24 hours.
Most exercises are coming with their own cars. They want to park their car in a safe place. So I designed a secure place for them. 21 vehicles can park at once.
Out Door

Just not only for indoor I designed to add the outdoor parts for this gym. As you can see above there are two tracks and a playground. One track for cycling and another one for walking. Cycling and walking are good ways to do exercise. I hope Mr.James will like this part.
Covid 19

I fully designed this gym against Covid 19. Follow are some actions I took for it,
- Measuring the temperature when entering.
- Giving hand sanitizing liquid all over the gym.
- A glass between two exercising machines.
Ground Floor

Here the second floor it includes,
- Exercising Machines.
- Main door.
- Washrooms.
- Changing rooms.
- Elevator.
- Waiting room.
- Door for access ground.

One of the most popular types of home exercise equipment is the treadmill, which provides a straightforward, efficient aerobic workout. Treadmill is a device generally used for walking, running, or climbing while staying in the same place. This treadmill also I designed with Fusion 360.

Weight, weight is very important equipment in a gym. It reduces your fat day by day if you are doing exercises with weights.
Adjustable Gym Bench

An adjustable bench is flexible and allows you to do a whole lot of exercises by adjusting the bench as per need. It can lie flat, can be inclined or declined
[E] Cardio

This is a special design in this gym because this cardio can generate electricity. Simply it converts kinetic energy to electric energy. When you are doing exercises with this cardio or any other cardio you have to rotate the pedal. But in normal cardio, it's just only rotating. The pedal wheel of cardio is connected to a gearbox with a dynamo. The dynamo output is connected to a charging board of the battery. All the cardio(s) batteries are connected together and at night their power is using for lighting.
Changing Rooms and Washrooms.

Washrooms should be in any building and in a gym changing rooms take a very important place.
Second Floor

Here the second floor it includes,
- Swimming pool.
- Dining and resting area.
- Lockers.
- A room for yoga etc...
- Elevator.
- Washrooms.
- Changing rooms.
- A room with two beds for any emergency.
Swimming Pool

Swimming is a great workout because you need to move your whole body against the resistance of the water.
Swimming also builds cardiovascular endurance, keeping your hearts healthy.

Lockers are very use full and important part in a gym. They can store safely and neatly. (I designed 54 lockers for this gym). Each locker having a lock and a key.
Dining & Resting Area

Here dining and resting area. There are some short eats and drinks. There are 4 tables and 8 chairs.

These solar panels are acting as generators in this gym. As I mentioned above 90% of using electricity is based on these pannels. Also, there are two charging points for electric cars.

The cost for this gym is around $1000,000-$1500,00. It will be less or more depending on the materials and the place where the gym is situated.
All Done!

Dear Mr.James, I did my best and hope you like this design.
Thank you have an awesome day.