James Devlin's Gym #2 #Make It Big.

by Josiah Miller in Living > Health

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James Devlin's Gym #2 #Make It Big.

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This is my entry for the second Gym designing competition. I redid my structure, and added a lot of new features, and yet attempted to keep what I found valuable from my first design. I am currently 17 and in 10th grade.

This second design is focused mainly on how to help people with disabilities. Not only is the facility designed for maximum accessibility and comfort for people with a multitude of disabilities, but it also has advantages such as solar power, and covid safety. This gym also includes features that allow personal training for both people with disabilities and those without them. it is also equipped with an area designated to sports medicine. While I am not proficient in this field, I believe this design leaves the sports medicine field with plenty of space to add new features that I may not know about, and also gives a comforting, and spacious environment to aid those who have been injured, or those who need rehabilitation.

Once again i would like to thank both Autodesk and James Devlin for making this contest possible. I also want to say thank you to those who put together the webinars. (I watched the first ones online, but was thankfully able to attend the last one. :)

Let's Begin Downstairs.

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This picture is of the layout for the bottom floor of the facility. when you walk through the front door, (which I will note is a double sliding door designed for those with wheelchairs) you see the entry area. There is a sign in counter, several TV's, and an elevator for reaching upstairs. There are also benches for resting. On the right we can equipment designed for cardio exercise. there are stair steppers, treadmills, bikes, and elliptical machines. past those we see a refrigerator full of refreshing beverages for those who are working out. Right next to this refrigerator are the lockers. lockers are essential for storing items for those who want to work out, in a safe, and neat way. In the back we see the break room. This room is nice for relaxing, getting a snack or drinking a cup of coffee :) to the left of that room, we can see the hot tubs. Not only is there enough room for a wheelchair or two in this room to accommodate those will disabilities, there are also soothing jets which provide a massage, and help improve circulation. below this room, on the left we see the basketball court. This sport (basketball) is a very useful sport in any fitness and rehabilitation facility, as it can be played by almost everyone, disabilities or no. Someone in a wheelchair can play ball, as well as those with autism, or Down syndrome. It is also a great place for people to get to know each other, and have a good time working out. :) There is also a laundry room and storage closet. :) I will go into greater detail for each room as we progress.

The Basketball Court

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This room is essential for rehabilitation and fitness. It not only provides a way for people to socialize and meet new friends while exercising, It can be played by a variety of people regardless of gender, age, or even some disabilities. (barring infants :) All in all this is the most inclusive sport, and provides a workout for most of the major muscle groups in the body. Its also lots of fun. :)

This particular basketball court has a wooden laminated floor to accommodate wheelchairs, and also people with different types of shoes. (different types of shoes you may ask? well, dress shoes, or shoes with that type of sole damage basketball courts made of poly or other similar materials. That is why I chose wood for this particular one. Also the basketball hoops are adjustable in height, giving greater access to a variety of age groups.

lastly, you will notice that this room is the only room with doors that close instead of arches. The reason for this is to contain stray balls, and other such objects. Does this make it harder on wheel chair users to get in and out? Maybe, but not much. not only is the entrance to the basketball court located next to the admissions desk, so that a worker can aid the person in a wheel chair, this room has double doors, so that any wheel chair can get through with lots of room to spare.

The Room of Running :)

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this room, filled with heavy machinery, is designated mostly to running, and other such activities. This room includes treadmills, elliptical machines, stair steppers, and even bikes. This room also has plexiglass separating each machine so as to abide by Covid safety rules for most states. (including Pennsylvania :) Running is a very important exercise for the human body. Studies show that people who run a little every day are much healthier than those who do not. This room is helpful in assisting those recovering from serious accidents as well, and enabling them to regain motor function.

And of course there are TV's :) sorry forgot that last time :)

Lockers and the Fridge.

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Lockers are very important aspects of any gym. They allow people to store their personal belongings safely, and neatly. each locker is equipped with a lock, which happen to be multicolored as a bonus :) The fridge is filled with drinks of various kinds, ranging from water to Gatorade and other types of remineralizing drinks. This is essential when exercising. The fridge is also located right next to the "snack room" and speaking of snacks.......

Snack Room!

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We all love snacks don't we? I sure do! This room has benches to rest, Tv's to watch, and as J.R.R Tolkien said in the Hobbit "all the comforts of home" :) And of course that includes snacks! there are protein bars, and other sundry eatables in the cabinets that assist those who are working out in maintaining healthy snacking, as well as boosting their energy levels. There is also coffee. While this is great for those who are working out, it is also aimed at providing some refreshment for those who are working actively in the gym, such as personal trainers, staff, and medics.

Storage and Laundry

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Storage space is important. Not only can you keep in good supply your very important snacks and drinks, but you can also make sure that there is an adequate supply of clorox wipes, and toilet paper. Also since the gym has towels for those who need them, the storage room is a good place to put them. brooms and other cleaning supplies should also be kept here :)

The laundry room is mainly focus on the towels that the gym provides. My first design had a flaw, in that towels were easily accessible, but were not able to be washed! YIKES! so now we have a laundry room :)

Hot Tub


This room is also very important. It provides relaxing water massages which are invaluable for anyone regardless of whether or not they have disabilities. There is ample room to park a wheelchair, walker, or other method of transportation. This room is a necessity especially when it comes to rehabilitation.

The Second Floor

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The second floor is where the bathrooms are located. There is easy access to both the mens and women's restrooms by either elevator or stairs. on the right, we also see the weight room. there are bench presses, stand up weights, free weights, and even waits for your legs! This room is very important for strength training. In the back left, there is a smaller room for rehab, stretching, and light weight training. there are also rebounders, and yoga mats, as well as ropes, and punching bags.

The Weight Area

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This second large room contains the rest of the heavy equipment. this room is mainly focused on strength training. It includes a variety of different weight related exercises. Not only are there bench presses, free weights and others, there are also machines for exercising leg muscles. For people with disabilities, or those in wheel chairs, there are more than enough free weights to go around, and a wheel chair will fit under the stand up weight rack. there are also wight machines that use plates on a bar. this is also useful for those with disabilities, who can sit in a wheel chair and still work out.

Bathrooms and Shower Rooms

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Since last time the bathrooms have had a huge upgrade. Not only are there special stalls for those with disabilities, or wheel chairs, there are now also shower rooms for everyone. There is ample room in both shower rooms for a wheelchair to be parked, allowing the owner to access the showers with ease. there are also stairs leading from outside to one set of restrooms as well as elevators close to both.

The Light Weight Room :)

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This room primarily functions as a room for easy exercise and stretches. there are rebounders ropes, yoga mats, exercise balls, curl weights, and smaller sized free weights. There are also punching bags. This room has ample room for wheel chairs to park as well, while leaving lots of floor space for stretching.

The Last Floor

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this floor has office or lecture hall space, as well as a reasonable space for sports medicine. it also includes the solar panels which I will get into further detail with in a minute.

Sports Medicine

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Honestly I don't know much about this topic. With a little more time I may be able to research it more, but with the research i was able to do, I came up with this. there are stretcher beds for those who are injured, or need to recline for some reason. there are also bars, and small weighted balls, for those who have lost their motor function due to a surgery or accident, to help them recover. In addition there are extra wheel chairs, as well as monitors, and other medical equipment. On the right there is a cabinet with splints and other items useful for those who have injured themselves during a workout. All in all I think this is one of my favorite parts of Mr. Devlin's vision, even though I did a bad job recreating it.

Office or Lecture Hall Space

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This space is unique. it not only has little foldable walls to create office spaces, but they can be folded back, the chairs can be turned around and a table set up in the middle to create a lecture or meeting space. With no table, you can include larger groups of people.


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here outside we have a swimming pool, also on top of that there is a running track, and some chairs for refreshing out door activity. The solar panels are also on the roof.

Running Track

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Thie running track is built into the wall to save space. There is plenty of room for someone to pass another person if necessary, and it is save, as there are guard rails all around.

When I first made the contraption on the right, I had envisioned it being used for blind people. The blind can put on this belt, which runs along the railing, and be able to stay in the middle of the track the entire time and thus be able to run. (this may also be an added safety measure, that may be wise to add for everyone :)

The Winter Roof (or Rainy Day Roof)

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This roof is very useful, It folds up on the edges, by connecting to the ribs in the middle, Its just a large think tarp like roof. These things are used alot where I live, both to house the salt for the roads during the summer and winter, as well as being used at the local YMCA for their swimming pool. Since this is easy to put up and take down (were looking at a 5 minute job, since it is motorized) I think this will be invaluable in the winter, as well as on rainy days. low maintenance, but invaluable never the less.

The Air Conditioner, Very Useful Thing to Have :)

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the title tells it all :)

Finally, Solar Panels!

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these solar panels provide an alternate, and renewable energy source for this gym. (sorry they are grey, I could not tell if solar panels are blue, or grey or both so I settled with grey. These are a very important part of this gym, and I think will cut energy costs significantly. Especially when you consider that much of the equipment uses lots of energy to run. Furthermore, there are also sliding doors to cover the panels during ice storms, which happen from time to time in Pennsylvania. Since there is very little sunlight during these storms, sliding doors to protect them seems like a good idea to me :)

Ventilation and Lighting.

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Ventilation and lighting is a very important part of any gym. This gym has large ceiling fans placed throughout, along with air ducts on the floor to bring in fresh air. on the ceiling next to the light fixtures are smaller fans to dispel old air, keeping the environment in the gym clean. The lighting is also important. While there are lots of windows which provide plenty of natural light, in the winter months or during storms large florescent lights are important.

Were Done!

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Dear Mr Devlin.

I enjoyed watching your webinars online, and attending the last one. I meant to ask you what you would like you gym to be entitled, but I forgot, so I stuck with my previous title. I hope this second attempt is better than my first and I hope you find parts of it useful when you go to build your final project. Thanks for starting this contest! I've enjoyed making both my entry for the first one, as well as this entry! thanks so much!

-Josiah Miller