James Devlin's Gym (Make It Real)
by Josiah Miller in Living > Health
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James Devlin's Gym (Make It Real)

This is my entry to former NFL star James Deviln's make it real challenge.
I did my best to create this gym as a place where people of all ages can come and work out, wether or not they have physical disabilities or not. This gym should be able to accommodate any type of person who needs either a basic workout, or rehabilitation from some injury, or sickness. I even believe this gym can accommodate those who have disabilities due to a birth defect.
This gym is also designed to operate at maximum capacity, while still following the Covid-19 safety guidelines of most states in the United States. (exceptions would be those states that are completely shut down due to Covid) This gym not only applies all social distancing rules, it separates all those working out with plexiglass, and has an amazing ventilation system to ensure that no viruses are spread airborne. Other amenities such as Clorox wipes, are available.
All in all I think this gym incorporates all the main workout styles, and provides a safe and healthy environment.
By the way I am 17 so I meet the requirements for this contest :)
the outside includes a palm tree, and flowers :)
Step 1: the Sign

I honestly do not know what you would like to call your gym Mr. Devlin, so I named it after your initials :) I hope you don't mind.
Since you want a fitness and rehabilitation center I incorporated that into the sign. I also did a side multicolor shading idea, i think it makes a sharper contrast.
Step 2: Central Heat and Air

Central heat and air is vitally important. In the winter cold induced asthma can cause great pain, and even death for many people. In the Summer over heating and dehydration can lead to severe side-effects. All in all central heat and air is vitally important. (I made a conventional air conditioner and heater, but there are many different styles, some being more energy efficient than others.)
Step 3: Ventilation and Lighting

Picture one: Downstairs
First: lighting. the type of lighting I put in provides plenty of light for the entire building. To add to that, it can be dimmed or brightened depending on the number of bulbs turned on per light fixture. (in other words it has two switches per story, just like in my old school building.)
Second: Ventilation. Notice these fans are for sucking air out, not pumping it in. heat naturally rises, and the air expelled by the exerciser will naturally rise into the air, both because of the way in which people exhale, and also because of the thermodynamic properties of heat. Since the air is sucked out and pumped out of the building there is a much lower probability that germs will spread. Which leads us to the next point....
Third: Fresh air, (cold or hot depending on the season) Notice that the vents for clean air are in the floor, and since they are pressing the air out, the air flow will naturally be upward, which combined with the fans, will cause constant airflow, from floor to ceiling bringing fresh air into the building, and taking out carbon dioxide, and any germs that might also be expelled by someone who may possibly be sick.
Step 4: Downstairs

here's the basic layout :) It includes a swimming pool, bathrooms/changing rooms, lockers, storage room, punching bags, yoga mats, light weights, exercise balls, still rings, and even a rebounder.
(bonuses are towels, clorox wipes, and of course water. a very vital item.)
benches are much in evidence as well, along with a potted plant. there is an elevator for the disabled, (or anybody really :) and stairs to.
The admission desk, also tracks the amount of hours you spend in the gym, through a basic sign in and sign out system:)
The storage room on this floor will also be invaluable. it can be used for brooms, mops, tools of all sorts, clorox wipes, toilet paper, extra towels, etc.... :)
And there's pencils, very useful things pencils. :)
Step 5 : the Pool

Pools are nice places for both exercise and rehabilitation. Swimming uses different muscles then most other exercises, and strengthens the body in different ways. Swimming is a key part of fitness.
This pool includes towels, a chair for a life guard, and flotation devices for saving lives. (these are very necessary.) there is also water, you'd be shocked at how thirsty swimming makes you :)
Step 6: Lockers

Lockers are very important in a gym. they are great storage spaces, and they keep things out of the way. (I multicolored the locks cause they looked boring otherwise. A little color can be nice :)
Step 7: Storage Room

Like I said earlier this room is invaluable. Storage is something I do not have enough of :) but this room can store all kinds of necessary items, brooms, toilet paper, clorox wipes etc....
Step 8: Light Work Out and Stretching

This room is located in the very center of the building for several reasons. Once because it was readily available room, but second because the main support beams are there. Hanging the still rings and punching bags directly from the support beams will keep the room/floor from sagging. :) Not only are there benches here for working out and resting, but the whole room is set up to get the most out of the limited space.
Step 9: Entry

The entry room has a variety of purposes. It can be used for waiting for someone, as there are several benches in the area. resting after a hard workout, or simply sitting and talking to a friend you meet while exercising. like bob ross likes to say, "everybody needs a friend" :)
The sign in desk has the ability to track hours for individual people through the sign in method, making it easy for someone to keep records on their exercise menu.
Step 10: Bathrooms

Bathrooms are important. Very important. Since all space has been taken up with stalls it is possible for everyone to change here in privacy.
Step 11: Chairs and Tables

Surprisingly there is room enough under the stairs to store chairs and tables. And since the light exercise room is easy to clear out, it can be turned into a conference room :)
If you don't want a conference room than don't worry about this step, but I planned for it, and you may want it someday :)
Step 12: Upstairs

Upstairs consists mainly of the heavy equipment and weights. there are treadmills, benchpresses, bikes, and all manner of machines I will go into in greater detail in the next 2 steps. The heavier weights are here also.
and of course there is the coffee pot. Everyone needs coffee every once in a while :)
Step 13: Weights

Weights are a very important part of fitness and Rehabilitation. Not only have I included benchpresses, shoulder lifts, and weight racks, there are also stand alone weights, and cable machines. overall I think these cover the man aspects of weight fitness.
Step 14: Running and Cardio

Running and Cardio is very important.
I have noticed that in most gyms there are more people who use treadmills than any other type of equipment, consequentially I have included more of those in this gym. :)
I also have an elliptical machine, and immobile bike.
Stair stepping machines are also very useful in building up leg muscle.
I think that does all the fitness side of things justice... Now let's get coffee!!!!!!!!
Step 15: Overlook, Relaxation and of Course COFFEE!

There's a coffee machine here, because coffee machines are important :)
Also being on the second story gives a nice view of the surrounding area! :) it's a good place to relax.
Step 16: Were Done

Dear Mr. Devlin
I hope you liked your gym. I tried my best, and hope you find a few of the ideas to your liking even if you don't use the overall project. thank you.
-Josiah Miller