Jurassic World Musical Gate

by Fay3dlab in Workshop > 3D Printing

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Jurassic World Musical Gate

Jurassic World Camp Cretaceous musical gate

After making the Jurassic Park Gate Remote Control for my nephew.. he has been asking me to make another one of the gate.. this time from the animation series Jurassic world Camp Cretaceous on Netflix.. I watched the animation and thought the gate looks simple enough to make..

So i've been delaying making this gate for months now.. i was busy and it didnt match any contest on instructables.. until the "Make some noise contest".. so instead of adding a remote control to open close the gate.. im making the gate play music and sound effects when it opens..

As always my projects are all made using Tinkercad for easy 3d printing later on..

Difficulty level:

  1. 3D printing - Easy
  2. Assembly - Easy 
  3. Wiring - Intermediate (wiring the microcontroller and LEDs)
  4. Programming - Easy (since we're using a DFPlayer Mini)
  5. Painting - Easy

So let's get started..


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  1. LED x 6 (flickering LED from battery tea light candles)
  2. Lithium battery 18650 3.7v
  3. Lithium battery 18650 holder
  4. TP4056 - USB to lithium battery protection & charger module
  5. DFPlayer Mini MP3 Player 
  6. Micro SD card - any size that will feed wav file
  7. Dc 5v speaker - 5cm - 8cm (i recycled an old USB speaker)
  8. Wires - AWG24
  9. Wires - AWG18
  10. Tactile button - 10mm height
  11. Limit switch - to trigger the music
  12. Rocker switch 2pins - 15x10mm
  13. M3 screw - varies from 6mm to 12mm
  14. M3 brass threaded inserts
  15. Neodym round magnets - 5mm x 3mm
  16. 5mm brass rod - 25cm x 2
  17. Popsicle sticks wooden - 18mm x 150mm & 10mm x 114mm

And of course a 3d printer - i'm currently 3d printing using BambuLab P1s printer.. you can find them here if you're interested.. these are my affliliate links to buy the printer..

Designing Everything With Tinkercad

The whole gate is 3d modelled using Tinkercad.. 

3D printed files can be found on my Makerworld page.. i 3d printed everything using my Bambu Lab P1P printer.. so the parts should all fit into a 200x200mm buildplate

Assembly - Gate

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  1. Each side of the gate comes in 2 parts that need to be glued together
  2. i also made 2 holes for each gate for 5mm x 3mm magnets.. insert the magnets with each gate have the same polarity.. so that when we close the gate.. we gate would snap close and not dangle..
  3. Prime paint your gate and color it.. use the brass rod to align the 2 part gate and glue the 2 parts..
  4. Now you are ready to do some mini carpentry.. This is where the popsicles comes in.. we will be making the gate face using popsicle and arrange it to follow the design from the animated jurassic world camp ccretaceous tv series..
  5. before you start glueing the popsicle.. you might want to score the popsicle to make texture of wood grain. i used a flathead screwdriver to run scores vertically following the popsicle stick. this will give it a wood texture later when we paint it.
  6. i split the popsicle stick arrangement into 3 layers and you can look at the layout i made to follow
  7. the first layer is using the 10mm wide popsicle stick..
  8. the second and third layer uses the 18mm popsicle stick..
  9. use as much glue as possible. we dont want the popsicle to peel of the gate
  10. make sure you remember each arrangement of the popsicle and invert it on the other gate..
  11. now you can paint the gates.. i printed the camp cretaceous logo and paste it on the front of the gate..


Assembly - Tower Gate Prep

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First off all we need to install brass threaded inserts into each part of tower so we can screw together later on. you'll need to use a soldering iron to heat up the brass inserts and melt it into the hole.. you'll need 6 brass insert for each tower..

  1. bottom base tower - 2 insert
  2. bottom tower peg - 1 insert
  3. middle tower peg - 1 insert
  4. center signage peg - 2 inserts

and not forgeting the left tower door for electronics - 1 insert

Now as all my project.. its better to print the models after printing so it'll make it easier to paint.. once painted you can now work to install all the electronics..

Assembly - Electronics

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When i made my gate.. i wired all the LEDs first.. but i think it will make it harder since once you wire all the LEDs the towers and gate needs to be assemble first.. it will make inserting wires.. speaker.. buttons.. switches a lot harder with all the gates assembled first..

So i think you should make the the powerbank and charger first since all the other electronics will use them.. i made a screw hole for the battery holder.. so once you solder the USB charger to the battery.. you can install them into the tower gate.. i made a indent for where the USB charger should go..

next would be to wire the positive of the USB charger to the rocker switch and output it onto a terminal block.. now your powerbank is ready to connect to the electronics..

now we're installing the music player into the tower.. this will give you more room and maneuverability to insert all the electronics into the tower gate..

I've attached a diagram of how to wire all the electronics including battery and LEDs.. i didnt get to take pictures of mine cause i was so concerntrating on installing all the hardware with the gates flapping around that i forgot to take pictures of the work in progress..

there are 3 button to install on the gate..

  1. the 1st is the limit switch that will play the music when we open the gate
  2. the tactile button is for volume up
  3. and volume down

the limit switch is install at the side of the tower where the gate will hit when it opens to the max

the two tactile button has 2 holes above the power button

depending on the size the speaker you'll be using.. you will need to hot glue the speaker to the opening made or it..

the wiring of the DFplayer Mini is quite simple.. i also provided the diagram on where to wire everything..

  • vcc - 5v positive
  • SPK_1 - speaker positive
  • SPK_2 - speaker negative
  • GND - 5v negative
  • IO_1 - volume down
  • IO_2 - volume up
  • ADKEY_1 - play music
  • all the buttons will connect to GND

once you wired all the connections and buttons.. you'll need to test them before installing it inside the tower..

Now we need to prep the music that we will be using to play when the gate is open.. i have 2 sample music that you can use.. both from the soundtrack of Jurassic Park.. you'll need to upload the music wav file onto a Micro SD card.. i used an old 3d printer sd card that is 128mb..

insert the sd card into the DFplayer Mini and test it out.. it should play music when you trigger the limit switch.. to volume down or up you'll need to long press the tactile buttons

Insert the DFPlayer into the tower and and glue it to the bottom.. insert the speaker into the tower and hot glue it into place with the slit opening for the sound to come out.. add the 2 tactile button and hot glue it in place too... last would be the limit switch to trigger the music.. hot glue all the parts in place.. and wire the positive and negatives wire to the powerbank.. test out all the button and limit switch with the DFplayer..


Assembly - Tower Gate LED

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Assembling the tower is quite simple except for the LEDs inside the 2 base tower. you'll need some wiggle room to run through all the wires for the torches before assembling the towers.

The LEDs that im using is the flickering LED from this baterry tea light candle.. take out the LED and cut the plastic flame wick..

Now we need to prep the wiring for the LED torches.. to make wiring easier use same color wires for torch LEDs.. so you wont get confuse when wiring positives and negatives

Wires length for LED torches:

  1. top - 400mm
  2. middle - 250mm
  3. base - 150mm

Wire the LEDs and insert them into the torch holder and the wires run though the tower gates to the bottom base..

Wire all the 3 LEDs positives and negatives to the terminal block in parallel..do this for both tower..

Now we need to wire across from the right tower to the left tower where the battery is.. you can run the wires into the gate's flat ground.. there is a dedicated channel for the wires to go across..

Once the wires are across.. connect it to the left LED terminal block together..

Now you can wire it to the powerbank's terminal block.. Test all the leds to make sure its all light up..

Next is to cover the LEDs with the plastic flame wick.. i simple put hot glue on the inside of the flame and put it over the LEDs.. now you should do all 6 of the LEDs.. test out the lights and see the flame flickering on your tower gate..

Assembly - Finalize

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Now to assemble the gates to the gate towers.. you need to take off the top of the tower carefully to not pull the LED wires too much.. Place the gate to the tower and insert the brass tubing into the hole and through the gate to the bottom hole.. now screw the top tower gate back.. do the same for the next tower..

and you are done.. test out the gate opening would trigger the music when it hits the limit switch..


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Since i already design and made jurassic park gate it was slightly easier for me to 3d model and made all the needed parts.. Using tinkercad to create the rock formation for the gate tower was slightly challenging but doable..

my nephew's verdict:


  • his dinos fit into the gate
  • loves that it plays music when it opens
  • wireless.. bring anywhere to play


  • why doesnt the gate open both ways.. from the cartoon the Trex burst open the door outward.. this one cant
  • why doesnt it play the camp cretaceous song when it opens.. (i totally forgot to change the music in the sdcard)

I hope you guys will have fun making this jurassic world gate..