KISS Principle Boot Repair

I am offten Outdoors Instructing, now and then a Student comes up and tells me he has somehow torn his sole on his Boot open. I always grab my trusty role of Duct Tape and liberaly wrap it around the offending Boot and tell them
there you go. Then I had the misfortunate myself with a pair of good Boots. In my Kit I had a tube of "Shoe Goo"
no Probs. So here´s what to do
Your damaged Boots (Duh)
Shoe Goo
Tooth pick
Duct Tape
Clean Em Up!

I don´t mean the Boot in General as in give em a shine, but using a brush clean where the damage is in the soles
because a) it might not stick because of dirt and b) when you seal the sole with bits of grass etc., in them
might look silly
Put the Goo on the Shoe

Shoe Goo is made for just this reason and comes in different colours I think. I used Transperant for everything
pull back the damaged area and put on the goo try to keep it on the area to be glued and not too much outside.
Spread It Out

I used a cocktail stick to help spread it around the area, then pressed the sole back in place.
Stick It Up

Using my trusty Duct Tape I put a piece on and above the area repaired and pulled it tight.

After a good 24 hours you can peel off the Tape, any leftover Goo can be Scratched off.
When the whole boot is cleaned looks good to go.