KISS Principle Shower

I know there are several "Shower" instructables but I think I added some bits, and also I always like it when an Instructable has more then one so you can pick and choose, Enjoy

In line with my KISS Principle philosophy there is not a lot needed:
A new or used (so long no chemicals/Toxins used) Sprayer
a small plastic bottle
Duct Tape ( yeeeeh) / or hot gluegun
Method of heating water
Prep Shower Head

So the first thing I did was to strip of the Label and clear off the Lid, now we want to shorten it, so I saw on the bottle there was some edges to use as a guide in the places they needed to be.
So I used the blade to cut off the top part and then the same on the bottom and disgarded the middle
Getting in Form

Here we see the resulting parts, and in the second pic I pushed the parts together. Hey looks like a real shower nearly!
This Is a Stick Up

Ok, now I use the Spike to make a series of holes around the bottom, after that you have two choices, down n dirty
like I did with Duct Tape or you could get a hot gluegun and stick it together.
Nearly Done

If you have any empty wine bottles it pays to save the corks for projects, or did you know in the Army we
used to heat up corks with a lighter which would blacken them and we would use this soot as camouflage paint for
our faces! Anyhow you can cut them in half and then make a groove down the middle.
The end of the sprayer can be removed and inserted with the cork halfs into the bottle making a bit of a pressure seal.
If this is not enough you could wrap some tape or teflon tape around before inserting into the cork.

Now you heat your water and fill the sprayer bottle and pump it up, On this model sprayer
you can set to permenant spray which is just the job for our use. The Sprayer has a capacity of 5 Liter
I tried it with 3Liter and after pumping it well let rip and it took about 5 mins with a small spray which in
the whole would make an effective shower, you can always give it another pump if it gets slacking.
A Final Note or Two

So as you can see the KISS Principle Shower is quiet easy but effective.
First off be careful if using a used sprayer, you donĀ“t want to use it and find yourself growing another head
or wake up dead. The one I used has only ever had water, vinegar, salt and soap in it which is a cheap
and safe method to get rid of weed on the terrace without poisoning the world.
Second This can be used for camping or as a survival Prep in case of Blackout/Power shortage etc.
Not painting the world black with my Gadgets in fact want to show you that there can be something positive in
a bad situation such as TEOC (Total Eclipse of Civilisation), I call it this because there are still a lot of
Primitive peoples in the world and if Civilisation goes down the drain these Primitive people will probably
just shrug and continue because they have been living primitive since day one!
Third, Who are the guys are the photos? Well, these are collegues of mine and together we were
in Haiti 2010 straight after the first Earthquakes doing Urban Search and Rescue, even though we
had everything we needed but we still led a primitive life there, and Hygiene is of the utmost importance
especially the hands since this can lead to all kinds of diseases such as Chloera.
Anyhow whatever your reason for looking, thanks, stay safe and Enjoy