K'NEX McLaren P1

In this instructable i'll teach you how to build this McLaren P1. I have build an original one with black pieces. In this step-by-step tutorial i'll use coloured pieces.
You can custom it as you would, maybe make a better one!
Show me your pictures in DM or in this instructable!
Have Fun!
The Front, Bumper and Steering Mechanism

In these steps you'll learn how to build the front bumper, the steering mechanism and the dashboard. Let me know if any step is not clear.
Inner Body and Rear

Rear Window Engine Room

Finishing the Body Work

The Bonnet

You'll better first check each picture before beginning taking it step by step. This one is quite complex with a lot of connections.
The Doors

Now repeate this step in the opposite for the door on the other side
Finishing the Details

Attach the wheels
Make some chairs
Try to use nice details like contrast in colours, the headlights, side mirrors, doors which can stay in position when opened and other things i didnt think about.
Let me know!!