Ever since I heard of the P90 PDW, I have wanted to hold one. I got my chance last year at a local gun show, and boy, that gun was just what I expected it to be. Epic. So, I set out to build my own, out of K'NEX, of course. This version is much better than my previous versions, and is rather different from any other version you will find here at instructables (there are over 20 different copies). It is really comfortable, has a better way to attach the grips to the body, has a reinforced trigger (taken from ~KGB~'s P90 V.2), AND it is breach loaded. While it is only single shot, I was more focused on replicating the P90, not making a shooting version.
Features: - Accurate replica
- Breach loaded
- Range: 40 ft. +
- Better pin placement
- New sight area
- Comfortable trigger
- Fake magazine (courtesy of dr. richtofen's P90)
- The Red Book of Westmarch