Keychain Rocket CamCorder

Little More on Why
Needed Materials

I used a table saw
Belt Sander
Soldering iron to melt the styrofoam
very small keychain camcorder mine was from Ebay like item 180704235867
Time to construct apox 10 hours, or less, I goofed on several occasions and had to redo some stuff, I went from blank to finish, less publishing this on Instructables today
Rough in Nose Cone

Matching the Camcorder to Nose Cone

Almost Final Rocket Assembly

Motor Selection

Lift Off

I just automaticaly do some stuff without even thinking, So my first launch I pushed the pin in the launcher, pressed the button , and nothing... forgot that there are igniters that you MUST use the little plastic piece that holds the igniter tightly against the motor, so first install igniter, then the little plastic piece, attach the aligator clips to igniter leads. The rocket is placed on the launch rod, I do lightly sand the rod and aplpy a little WD40 to make minimum drag to the rocket guide, I use a golf ball to prevent accidental Eye damage. To launch, push the safety pin down yell something important. press fire rocket will Launch in a few seconds and WOSH the rocket is launched, get ready to chase. Oh ya.. also DO NOT forget to start the camcorder. 3 second on button the 3 more seconds to camcorder mode, Sorry for the movie, The original is just to large for instructables, If you have real player you can pause and play to slow it down. THANKS Its nearly 7:30 and not much time to edit anymore, dinner to fix, and time to fish both at same time.
Just added at 9:50 Ok I have a couple more hours to fine tune this a bit, First Im a bit concerned on the amount of twisting the camera does after deploying from the rocket, When holding in my hand it twists one way, unwinds some more then goes back the other way, I suggest that the single narrow rubber strip (shock cord) be replaced with either a shorter double line from the chute, or a much wider but shorter shock cord, In real player I can choose to play slower, The entire flight down lasts only 2 minutes but is a huge 144 meg file, We are allowed 10 megs, which normally would be plenty. So jyou just need to pause in your player to see more.