Kia Kaha Wall Sign

A week ago I woke up to the news another big earthquake struck Kaikoura and North Canterbury and it was only six years ago a devastating EQ struck Christchurch.
A common cultural phrase in New Zealand is using the Maori words "Kia Kaha" or stay strong, so I decided that is what I have to do.
I find some left over mahogany and trim to rough size. Using blue painters tape I cover the off cut and the apply the template with spray adhesive. Then I slowly proceed to cut the letters out on the scroll saw. Once done I use a rotary tool to sand and touch up the various parts of the letters.
I had an off cut of 4.5mm clear acrylic so I trim to size on the table saw. With another print out of the template I centre the it under the acrylic so I know where to epoxy on the letters. I then mix some epoxy and working quickly I glue down the lettering on to the clear acrylic. I let dry over night.
I then cut some strips for the frame and using a single blade I make a small rabbet in it so the acrylic sits flush. Using the mitre saw I cut the 45 degree angles and slowly get a neat finish. I then glue the frame up and using a band clamp to hold it square and dry.
I use more epoxy around the edge in the cut rabbet to hold the acrylic in place and let set. If you have picture staples you can use these but I had none on hand. carefully scrape away any squeeze out while it is drying.
I use a sheet of card to cover the acrylic while I spray the frame now in hind sight I should have sprayed this and the lettering before I put together...oppps it would have been easier. And I add a hanger.
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