Kids Centerpiece

When I was studying in the Flower School I had the chance to create a centerpiece for a Kids event and that was kind of a challenge.
My floral design is usually very combined and formal and this time it was needed to create something funny but still cool.
So we decided to create this kids centerpiece with candy. I loved the result that is why I am sharing with you the technique. You can reapply it with almost anything you can image: cereal, one color candy, event small toys.. you name it!
Gather Your Materials

You need:
- 2 flower vases (one smaller than the other; the small one needs to have the right size to fit inside the bigger one and leave around 1.5cm)
- double sided adhesive tape
- one bunch of flowers
- 5 packs of skittles
- scissors
- water
*depending on the vase you can use foam or only water
Small Vase Inside Big Vase

We will create the mechanics of this floral design by introducing the small vase inside the big one and ensuring it keeps together by adding double sided adhesive tape
Fill the Blank Space With Candy

We will fill the spaces between both vases with Skittles. This is the part when you can get as creative as you can to fill it with whatever you like.
Add Water

We will add water ONLY in the small vase. You need to be very careful not to add water in the outer layer.
Add Flowers

Your vase is ready. Add your favorite flowers. In this case I decided to keep the flowers in white to make the vase funny but still keep some formality.
Place Centerpiece in the Table and Enjoy

Place your centerpiece in the tables and be ready to receive lots of compliments. Funny and lovely!