Kirlian Homemade Photography Device.
by GEORGE CHANIOTAKIS in Circuits > Art
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Kirlian Homemade Photography Device.

Over the past Days...I decided to make amazing high voltage photos and videos, But my method is a registration of electrical discharges using thin glass frame & water "Glass box with water!"
If you like my Demonstration Please click the "like" button, subscribe my channel, and share this with your friends... Please feel free to post your Positive,Negative or opinion comment! "Comments is Free, To support my "work" every little bit helps! THANKS... Stay Tuned and Enjoy!
CAUTION! Safety Warning.
This device uses high voltage. As a result it may be DANGEROUS, maybe even FATAL . Do not try to replicate the experiment video unless you have a firm understanding of Electricity and Safety. You may try to replicate the experiments at your own risk.
I am self taught on the subject. I have learnt the hard way what voltage and current is and how dangerous they maybe. I am unable to pass/document that experience on Safety. That is why I am choose not to provide blueprints(drawings/schematics) for the devices.
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