K'nex Automatic Crossbow

After a few months I finally finished my AUTOMATIC CROSSBOW. It is fully automatic and just uses one motor to power it. It shoots yellow rods but it only shoots them around six inches. It doesn't work all of the time but it shoots once you get it adjusted right. Below is a video of the crossbow working.
The Base.

this is just the base of the machine and one of the walls.
The Crossbow

this crossbow doesn't have a trigger because there is a latch that disengages at that right time.
The Wheel

when the wheel starts spinning it pulls back the string on the crossbow.

Just some supports and some gears.
The Hopper Part 1

This is the hopper that will hold all the yellow rods.
The Hopper Part 2

This is the frame that will hold the hopper to the rest of the machine.

These are the gears that will control the wheel and the hopper.
The Latch

The latch controls when the wheel spins.
More Gears

More gears.
Even More Gears

Even more gears.

This is the tuning of the machine it is VERY IMPORTANT! First fill the hopper. Then remove the gear that is attaching the hopper to the rest of the machine. Then remove the gear that is attaching the latch to the rest of the machine. Then plug in the motor to the wall and wait for the string to be pulled back. (Unplug it when it has passed the place where the pullet falls out.) then turn the gear on the hopper until a bullet falls out. Next turn the gear on the latch until it fires. Then put the gears back in place.
The Top

After you put the top on it will be finished. enjoy!