Hello knexers. I know I have not posted in a good bit but here is my latest gun. It is a war-shotgun. BSAS stands for Beanieostrich Standard Assault Shotgun. It uses my "standard" AR platform. Although this will be the last gun to be standard AR platform since I have like 3 guns *not including this one* that use the platform. Now with all that out of the way, lets see what it does shall we?
Very Powerful
Great range 30-45ft
High ROF
Removable 12 shot mag *It shoots 3 bullets per "shot or slug"*
Very Durable
Easily Adaptable
Uses a standard AR platform for too long now
Too big/heavy for some situations
Looks a little weird
Nothing else to say.
Very Powerful
Great range 30-45ft
High ROF
Removable 12 shot mag *It shoots 3 bullets per "shot or slug"*
Very Durable
Easily Adaptable
Uses a standard AR platform for too long now
Too big/heavy for some situations
Looks a little weird
Nothing else to say.