Knex Disc Thrower

Hey guys, it's knextremist again with my second entry in the Toy Rods and Connectors Contest. It is none other than a Knex disc launcher! What makes mine so innovative and different, however, is that it is based off of a clay pigeon thrower. I have searched the interwebs and have not been able to find any Knex pigeon throwers. So, I think it's safe to say that this is a first. And with a range of about 15 feet with 4 bands, it has obvious potential. This instructable is not a step by step due to the lack of time I have to enter this in the contest. If I get enough of you who want to build this or it wins anything, I shall post instructions. :) So, if you want to build this or just like it, drop me a vote and be my friend forever! O.k. here we go, specifications.
Only three broken pieces which are not required.
New design
All Knex except for the rubber bands
Range: About 15 feet
Great potential
Looks great!
Not great range
Uses a few of rare orange pieces found on my gun: Concept V
No instructions...yet
Image notes will show the various parts of the weapon!
Hope you enjoy!!!
And remember, PLEASE VOTE!
Only three broken pieces which are not required.
New design
All Knex except for the rubber bands
Range: About 15 feet
Great potential
Looks great!
Not great range
Uses a few of rare orange pieces found on my gun: Concept V
No instructions...yet
Image notes will show the various parts of the weapon!
Hope you enjoy!!!
And remember, PLEASE VOTE!