Knex Ferris Wheel

I made a new and cool Ferris Wheel out of knex!
The aweseome thing about it is that it is standing so free.
Go to my website ( for other cool projects!
Lower Part

You'lll start with the lower part.
Wheel Stuff

Now you'll make some wheel stuff.

Now it's time to make the gearbox. Be sure to turn all the gear rods correctly.
Connect the Gearbox.

Now you'll have to connect the gearbox.
Ferris Wheel

Now you'll make the main wheel.
It consists out of 32 segments, they are all the same.
It consists out of 32 segments, they are all the same.
Other Wheel Stuff

Now you'll make the other wheel stuff.
Add the Rest of the Chain

Now you'll just have to add the rest of the chain and you are finished!
The number of chain links required is 88.
The number of chain links required is 88.