Knex Gun: Callous [Update 3]

by Senior Waffleman in Living > LEGO & K'NEX

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Knex Gun: Callous [Update 3]

Hey guys, this is my recent gun, hope you like :)

Pros and cons in the vid.

Callous: Showing or having an insensitive and cruel disregard for others.

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[Update 1]
Update: Hey, i've been tinkering with this still, but with the current ram, it will break after 2 #64's, so i'm working on a new one, hopefully that will be stronger and can hold the power. I do plan to order more knex but i need to get some money first, thank you :)

[Update 2]
Ive been working on it some more, and i have a good new ram, so far it hasnt broken and withstands more power, and is easier to load, im almost done :)

[Update 3]
Hey, sorry im taking so long, but i WILL post, but not this week, im sorry but at my current state, i cannot, im too sick, and cannot get to it, but thanks for those who are waiting, and i will post, im also taking recommendations for future guns, thank you :)