Knex Moddable AR

Welcome! This is my moddable AR I thought I would share. I tried to make it look like a marksman carbine from Fallout, but it turned out a lot longer and the barrel isnt as tall so it looks like some sort of AR.
The Gun

This is a gun I made recently and really liked. Its sturdy and doesnt have to much wobble, the front grip is very comfortable, and is easy to modify because of its pistol-like base that the stock, barrel, scope and mag all can go onto. It doesnt shoot, and it doesnt have any bells or whistles, although those would be easy to put on. The front sight that is a y-clip can wobble, getting out of line of the scope. The pistol base has connectors on top for sight mounting, although they can just be attached in a way that they dont stick out if you want to just want to use the base as a pistol. If you take off the barrel it becomes sort if an SMG that feels very good to mess around with, and the mag can be any type you want. Although in these pictures I just made a very basic mag filled with blue rods for show. The mag attachment is flimsy, but that can be easily fixed. The scope is very basic as well, just a tube. Better scopes can be mounted easily on the top rail, make sure their not to heavy though, as they can only have three connection max to the base. If you want more detailed pics let me know.