Knex Ring Lift

Hello everyone,
Here's my knew and totally awsome ring lift. I want to give credits to Shadowman39, because he invented this lift in his ball machine Cataclysm. I just looked at the pics and build the ring frome that. The reest I invented on my one. Have fun!
EDIT: I made the lift run a lot smoother and made the exit working better. I'll post new instructions after Catastropha is finished!
EDIT 2: Here is the smoother and faster version of the ring lift!
Here's my knew and totally awsome ring lift. I want to give credits to Shadowman39, because he invented this lift in his ball machine Cataclysm. I just looked at the pics and build the ring frome that. The reest I invented on my one. Have fun!
EDIT: I made the lift run a lot smoother and made the exit working better. I'll post new instructions after Catastropha is finished!
EDIT 2: Here is the smoother and faster version of the ring lift!
The Motor

You'll start with the motor, because it is in the lowest part of this lift.
Turning Ring Mechamism

Now you'll make the mechamism that turns the ring.
Ball Entrence

It's time to make the ball entrence
Ring Part 1 of 2

Ring Part 2 of 2

Now you'll finish the ring.
The Tower

It's time to make the tower!
The Lower Top

Funny name "the lower top" :)
The Exit Track

It's time to make the exit track!
The Toppest Top

You almost did it! You just have to finish the top.
You're Finished

You're finally finished! If you have any problems feel free to ask. You'll have to switch the motor to the right. Thanks for building!