Knex Ring Lift Version 2

Here it is, the MUCH smoother version of the ring lift!
Most credits go to Shadowman39 as he original invented this lift, I rebuilt it from the film of his ball machine Cataclysm.
While you follow the instructions be sure to check out image notes!
Feel free to ask any questions!
Check out the vid!
The Base

Ok, here we start with the base!
The Motor Part 1

Now it's time to make the motor which is inside the bottom.
You could also use a different motor, but my instruction is on the 12V motor.
You could also use a different motor, but my instruction is on the 12V motor.
The Motor Part 2

Now you'll do the next part of the motor.
The Motor Part 3

Now you'r making the last part of the motor!
Add Motor to the Base

Now you add the mtor to the base and connect a bit of the chain as it is later on far to complicated to do so.
The Entrance

Now we're making the entrance!
The Ring

now it's finally time to make the ring! It consits out of 32 single cabines.
Completing the Lower Part

Now you just have to complete the lower part of the lift!
The Tower

Now it's time to make the tower. It is just three red rods high.
The Lower Top

It's time to make the lower top.
The Exit Path

Now it's time to make the exit path.
The Far Top

It's finally time to make the far top!
The Chain

Now it's time to make the chain. The rest of it (remember, you already atached a bit) has a hole lot of 116 chainlinks.

Congradulations! You just finished the ring lift! If you have any problems or some feedback, why not leave a comment?
For more awesome projects please visit my webpage!
For more awesome projects please visit my webpage!