K'nex Rockem' Sockem' Robots
by JonnyBGood in Living > LEGO & K'NEX
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K'nex Rockem' Sockem' Robots

Hello ladies and gentlemen! I'm your announcer JonnyBGood and I will be leading you through the breakdown of tonight's classic robotic boxing match! To my left is a robot that's more monster than machine, here's the Beastly Blue! If anyone is going to stand against this beast it will be the titanic titan on my right. His furious punches will strike fear in anyone on the receiving end, here's the Rageous Red! To bring a new life to this traditional game, each robot has been built similar but with their own unique appearance. Even though this may look different from the traditional classic game, it is a fully functioning set of fight robots bent on nailing a knockout punch to the opposition. Well now that you have seen are fighters are you ready to RUMMMBBBLLLLLLLLLLLLLEEEEEEEE!!!
Round 1: the Arms

We'll start with the most important part of a boxer, the arms. Can't win without those can we? Simply follow the pictures and be sure to pay attention to the joints on the arm. It may also be a good idea to make two of these except make sure that one is a mirror image of the other, or else you'll end up with two right arms...not so good.
Round 2: the Legs and Body

Okay you got the arms, now a real boxer also has to be light on his feet. Unfortunately for you, your robot is really light on his feet right now.... without any. Anyway continue following the pictures and building what you see. Make sure to only build the middle section on one half though. If you still haven't started making the other arm and side of the robot, jump back to Round one and build it again just make sure it's the opposite of what you already have.

If you still don't have another side of your robot please construct one now. Use you current side and these pictures as reference. Also make sure to drop by the concession stand and pick up some popcorn because the action that happens next you won't want to miss.
Round 3: Assembly and Head Joint

Alright, you should be well rested and ready for more action! Starting with putting this thing together. Don't forget the white rod that I added during this step (image noted) or else you'll figure out you're missing it later down the road. The head joint was the hardest part to figure out when constructing this the first time. I had to make a lock strong enough to hold the head down while making it loose enough to be dislodged when a fist connects with the chin. The rubber bands used in this step should be snug but not ridiculously tight. In any case make sure the rubber band strength is equal on both robots.
Round 4: Brains

A good boxer is one who thinks and anticipates his opponents moves, likewise the controller makes you the brains of the robot. Follow the pictures to create this crucial part of artificial intelligence that puts your brain behind his brawn. Finish this step by attaching it to the robot and to the arm controls.
Round 5: It's All Personal

Okay, by this time in the match everything is personal, it's time to finish it up at this step. For Round 4 you have a blank canvas. All it needs is a face and matching gloves. I would love to see you make your own colored boxer like: white, purple, green or black; just make it yours. I know mine are pretty some pretty decent looking fighters so if you feel that one of them is speaking to you loudly feel free to copy my design. Follow the pictures for the robot you would like to create.(The pictures for blue will come first followed by pictures for red).Last pictures are of my younger brother's robot Lightning Yellow.
The Final Bell

Well as this match came to close yours has just begun! I hope you enjoy your own set of Rockem' Sockem' Robots and please feel free to send me a comment with anything you need help with. If you build your own personalized robot send me a picture and a name and I'll include your boxer in Round 5. Also, please vote for me in the Rods and Connectors Contest because to me it's more than receiving K'nex it's about trying to create what you will enjoy. Thanks for viewing! JonnyBGood