Knex Super Pistol 2022

Hey, this is my first knex gun. It doesn't have anything particularly special on it except for the mag. I discovered the mag a while ago while experimenting, but think it does well even though it only holds 1-3 bullets. Oh, this is also my first instructible. PS: If you built this, PLEEEAAAASE leave a quick comment. Again, thanks! PPS: If you like to play video games, i have made a few in unity that you can try on itchio. My name is Jobaham Productions on there.
The Stock

Just follow the Pictures and Image notes
The Handle

The Front Grip

The Body

The Firing Pin

Putting It All Together

Rubber Bands


congratulations on finishing!
To load and fire the gun:
1. pull up the mag pusher
2. slide yellow rods in
3. slide the pin back
4. aim at something extremely fragile and expensive
5. pull trigger
6. go to jail