K'nex Suspension Trucks

Hey everyone! This is my first ever Instructable so bear with me if it's a little unprofessional. I made these trucks a while back and thought it would be cool to share this suspension design since it is so simple yet so effective. These little trucks have been recorded for countless hours of getting sent off jumps, stairs, and even crashed into each other! The suspension is super simple and super durable. I've divided them up into different sections. Truck 2 starts on step 8.

Here are all of the parts for the first truck. I've listed the common color for simplicity reasons but use what ever colors you like!
29x, 1 way, purple
16x, 2 way, light grey
4x, 2 way, straight orange
10x, 3 way, red
2x, 4 way, green
6x, 5 way, yellow
3x, 8 way, white
31x, green
28x, white
12x, yellow
12x, Y clip, black
4x, angled 3D, orange
6x, rounded, metallic blue
12x, rod caps, black
4x, small pulley and tire
10x, large, grey spacer
18x, small, blue spacer
Non-K'nex Parts:
9x, small rubber bands (I used rainbow loom which worked very well)
Front Axle

After you've gathered all the parts, start on the first truck! This is the front axle and the suspension part too.
Pic descriptions:
4 Wheel supports
Add rod with 2 Y clips, 2 large spacers and 4 small spacers
Rod with 5 bands
Attach them
Wheel axle, 2 caps, 2 small spacers, 2 wheels
Slide them in!
Done! You've now finished the first part
Rear Axle and Bed

This part is very similar to the front but has a few slight modifications for the suspension to limit properly.
Pic descriptions:
Back of bed
Bed frame, 2 small spacers!
Connect them
Wheel supports, slightly different from front
Rod with 2 Y clips and 2 small spacers
Slide it through two wheel supports, the bed, then the other two wheel supports
Rod with 2 caps, 2 small spacers, and 4 bands
Clip it in
Rear axle, 2 caps and 2 small spacers
Slide it in and you're done!

Not much to it but this ensures the wheels don't snap back too far, making the truck too high off the ground
Uses the 4 angle clips!

It holds everything together more than acting like a seat but whatever...
Pic descriptions:
What's gonna be made
The actual seat, has 9 of those parts in the middle
Side supports
Snap them together, they go in on the bottom most connection
Rod with 2 small spacers
Snap it on to the right most point
Done! That wasn't to hard right? Well this next part might
Grab steps 1, 3, and 2 and slide the rod from step 3 so it is on all of the bands
Now grab the part you just made in this step and attach the Y clips to the points shown. It's the same on the back side
Now attach step 3 in by connecting it to the points shown, it's also the same on the back side.
Done! All that's left is the hood and cab!

This is the hood of the truck, its got a bumper too!
Pic descriptions:
Main "plate", 2 small spacers
Slide em together
Bumper parts
Clip the caps on
Put the purple bumper on
Add on the other fun stuff, notice the spacing!
Get the plate
Attach it to the bumper
Get the rest of the truck
Clip it on
Done! Wow, its starting to take shape! Almost done now!

This is the final step and really makes the truck take shape! At least I hope so, assuming you didn't mess up :)
Pic descriptions:
The parts, 4 large spacers!
Slip it on
Put the one way connector holes on the hood with the small spacers on it
Fold it down and clip it in
Done! Congratulations, you have finished the truck! Try it out, slap it a few times, drop it from a couple feet off the ground, do whatever. It's done!!
Truck 2 Parts

Parts for the second truck! Once again, use what ever colors you'd like. I've included the specific colors for the exact one I made.
11x, 1 way, purple
16x, 2 way, light grey
21x, 2 way, straight orange
6x, 3 way, red
4x, 4 way, green
6x, 5 way, yellow
2x, 8 way, white
31x, green
11x, white
15x, yellow
6x, Y clip, black
2x, Transition piece, florescent green
30x, rod caps, black
4x, small pulley and tire
10x, large, grey spacer
23x, small, blue spacer
Non-K'nex Parts:
8x, small rubber bands (I once again used rainbow loom)
Front Axle

Time to crack on with the build. Start off again with the front axle.
Pic descriptions:
4 Wheel supports
Front axle, 2 small spacers and 2 caps
Slide them together, greens face up
Get these parts
Slide rod in and clip on the orange connectors
Make this rod thing, use 4 bands
Put on the caps
Snap it in! goes in the grey connectors
Done! Next part
Rear Axle

Rear axle time!
Pic Descriptions:
4 Wheel supports
Rear axle, 2 small spacers and 2 caps
Slide together
Make this, 4 bands
Clip it on, pay attention to direction of Y clips
Next piece
Use these parts
Slide rod in and orange connectors clip on
Snap in the black piece from earlier
Done! Dang, you're getting fast at this

Time for bed! Wait no, time to build the bed. Wouldn't recommend sleeping in it...
Pic Descriptions:
Rod with spacers, sorry its of center
This little guy, notice the spacer in the middle
Put it on the spacer rod
Make these bed walls
Another spacer rod
Slide the bed walls onto the rod
Snap the whole thing together!
Done! Don't get tired now, you're almost done!

Time to make the hood. It's got a bumper too!
Pic Descriptions:
Bumper! 2 small spacers and a cap on either side
The hood, 7 oranges in the middle
Yellow rod with caps
Slide it through the center of the "red" connectors
Attaching stuff
Attach the attaching stuff
Done! Time for the cab

Got to make a nice place to drive right? Oh you can't fit inside right... Well it's for looks anyway
Pic Descriptions:
Side walls (they're the same)
Top, has 4 large spacers and caps
Yellow rod with caps again
Slide through the center of the white connectors
You're done! That wasn't too bad, was it?
Attaching Them Together


Time to use your new K'nex scrap yard parts and make it into a working truck!
Pic Descriptions:
Bed and cab
Connect them!
Get front axle
Attach it! Goes in the bottom of the white
Rear axle time
Attach it too! I found it easier to snap in the "yellow" rod to the "yellow" connector first and push the pieces in the way out of the way
Push the parts back in place
Get the hood
Snap it in!
Flip upside down and get the last "yellow" rod
Stick it in and make sure all bands are attached in
You're all done! YAY!

Congratulations! You now have some epic suspension trucks! Have fun sending them off epic ramps, dropping them from high heights, or just pushing them up and down! Hope you enjoyed the tutorial and didn't have too much following my steps. Leave a like or comment if you'd like to see more of my builds!
Happy Building!