Knex Machine Hand Gun

My first instructable. I'm proud of this creation and hope you guys will like it too!
Many more instructables to come!
Part List:
64 Grey connectors
8 Purple/ grey connectors
28 Yellow connectors
8 Snow flakes
15 Red connectors
2 Brown connectors
5 Green connectors
9 Black ball connectors
16 Yellow rods
15 Blue rods
41 White rods
32 Green rods
1 Long flexible rod (optional)
2 Grey rods
6 Grey spacers
3 Blue spacers
1 motor
1 Medium wheel
1 Small wheel
Many more instructables to come!
Part List:
64 Grey connectors
8 Purple/ grey connectors
28 Yellow connectors
8 Snow flakes
15 Red connectors
2 Brown connectors
5 Green connectors
9 Black ball connectors
16 Yellow rods
15 Blue rods
41 White rods
32 Green rods
1 Long flexible rod (optional)
2 Grey rods
6 Grey spacers
3 Blue spacers
1 motor
1 Medium wheel
1 Small wheel
The Barrels

Here you will make the barrels for the machine gun.
The Skeleton

This is where you hold it and where the drivetrain thing goes, (what else do I call it?)
The Drivetrain Thingy

the motor attaches to this and makes the barrels spin!
Put It Together!

Put it all together and you are almost done!

To load it is just like a block trigger, only don't push the blocker too far. Look at the first picture, there is a little bit of the yellow rod showing, you have to have it like that or it won't work. Now load it with white or green rods and go shoot something!