LED Dog Harness

Is your dog difficult to see in the dark? Does your dog like to make friends with every person and dog that passes? If you answered yes to these questions, then you are in luck. With this guide you will be able to make a LED harness that allows for you to see your dog in the dark, warns people passing by with a blinking setting of the LED lights, and has a handle on the back for easy dog maintenance. Gather the supplies listed below and follow this guide to make your very own LED dog harness!

For Collar/Base Harness:
- ~ 2 meters of Nylon Fabric/Strap (we used the fabric from a Replacement Strap with an S-Hook ~ $3.25)
- Quick Release Clip (we 3D printed ours for ~$1.78)
For Handle:
- ~ 10 feet of Paracord (16 ft of Paracord ~$3.99)
For Light up Component:
- 4 LED bulbs (5mm) (10 Pack of LEDs ~$4.99)
- Conductive Thread (Conductive Thread ~$4.95)
- 1 Jumper Wire (10 pack of Jumper Wires ~$4.50)
- Coin battery holder with connected leads and a power button (Battery Pack ~$1.95)
- Sewing Machine (or just a Needle and Thread)
- 3D Printer and Filament (1 kg Black PLA Filament ~$24.99)

Measure out desired dog or pet. You will need to (1) measure around neck to get a collar length, (2) measure from collar/neck region to under portion of the chest, (3) measure from collar/neck to back area, and (4) measure around chest. Refer to the chart above to see where each measurement is taken. The measurements will be referred to as the names below:
(1) = collar piece
(2) = chest strip
(3) = back strip
(4) = belly piece
Cut Material
Using a nylon fabric or chosen material, cut out all of the measured lengths, adding 2-3 inches for seam allowance.
Sew Collar Piece

Sew the ends of the collar piece using a sewing machine or by hand. If using a sewing machine, use a standard stich to sew a rectangle, as seen above, to connect the ends, making sure to use a backstitch to secure it. You may like to add a clasp to this piece as well. If not, make sure there is enough room to be able to slip the dog's head in and out.
Attach a Clip to the Belly Piece

You may choose to either 3D print a clip (we attached the one we used below), or to use an already made clip. To 3D print, downland the .stl file below and proceed with your chosen 3D printing software and procedure. Locate the belly piece that was cut. Using the one half of the clip that only has one hole at the bottom (female piece), feed one side of the belly piece through and sew a 1 inch piece onto itself to secure that part of the clip. Find the piece that has two holes at the bottom (male piece) and weave the other side of the belly piece though, as seen above. Fold about 1 inch onto itself and sew, making sure to not sew or connect it to the rest of the piece. This side of the clip allows for the harness to adjustable. Refer to the picture above to see correct attachment of the clip.
Connect Chest and Collar Piece

Sew the back strip to the collar piece and to the belly piece. On the opposite side, sew the chest piece to the collar piece and belly piece.
Make and Attach Handle

Create a 10 inch piece of paracord using This Instructable. You may also opt to use any extra nylon material from the previous steps, by cutting a 10 inch strip. Locate where the collar piece is connected to the back strip and sew each end of the handle to that area, as seen above. (It is easier to hand sew for this part)
Placing LED Lights
Locate the chest piece of the harness. Place 4 LED bulbs about 2 to 3 inches away from each other, starting close to the seam that connects the collar piece and chest strap. Poke the LEDs through the fabric, making sure to note which side is the negative and which side is the positive.
Circuiting/Wiring LED Lights

Leave the 1st positive pin on the first LED alone. Connect the negative pin from the 1st LED to the positive pin on the 2nd LED using a piece of conductive thread. (HINT: to connect using conductive thread, loop the pin on the LED and wrap the thread around the loop, securing with a knot). Then using a new piece of conductive thread, connect the negative pin on the 2nd LED to the positive pin on the 3rd LED, and secure. Finally, with a new piece of conductive thread connect the negative pin of the 3rd LED to the positive pin of the 4th and final LED. Leave the negative pin on the final LED alone. The pins that are left will used to connect to a battery.
Powering LED Lights

Connect the positive pin of the 1st LED, closest to the collar piece into one side of the battery pack. Connect the negative pin of the last LED to the other side of the battery pack (we used a wire to connect them because of the distance away from battery pack). If the battery pack you are using indicates a negative and positive side, the 1st LED should be connected to the negative side and the final one should be connected to the positive side. Test to make sure that all LEDs light up. (Troubleshooting tip: make sure that none of the pieces of conductive thread are in contact with another piece of conductive thread or the battery pack).
(Optional) Make and Attach a Battery Pack Holder

Measure your battery pack and cut a piece that is about 2.5x the width and the same length. Sew up the sides about 2/3rds way up, leaving a small flap at the top. Add one side of a button clasp onto each side (one on the flap and one on the pouch side). Sew the pouch/holder onto the side of the collar piece of the harness. Place the battery pack into the holder.
Put Onto Your Pet of Choice and Enjoy!

To put on your dog, slip their head through the collar piece, unclip the clasp, and have the dog step over the chest piece and clasp around their belly. Make sure the handle is located on their back, and the LEDs are facing outward on the chest piece.