LED Flash Module

Today, I wanted to create a LED flash circuit using the famous 555 Timer IC.
This circuit is one of many versions of this module i will make.
This circuit is more focused on the bare-bone to make this ic flash on and off repeatedly.
So with that beeing said, Lets make some LEDs flash !
For this exact PCB design, I used the SMD/THT components listed bellow.
- 1x NE555 | LINK HERE
- 2x 10kΩ | LINK HERE
- 1x 270kΩ | LINK HERE
- 1x 3-PIN header | LINK HERE
- 1x 47uF | LINK HERE
Here is a non-specified list for general components:
- 1x NE555- Timer IC
- 2x 10kΩ Resistors
- 1x 270kΩ Resistor
- 1x LED (Optional)
- 1x Capacitor (Any Value)
The Circuit

As you see in the image above, the circuit is pretty straight forward and isn't so complicated.
You can choose the input voltage value yourself, but be carefull and double-check the voltage-rating on each induvidual component to avoid frying the components. (and, also check the ampere rating.)
NOTE: The value of the capacitor is what decides the time the output is pulled low (0v) or is pulled high (inputvoltage). The 47uF capacitor used in the circuit should give a 1 second on period followed by 1 second off period. This is going to continue over and over agian, forever.
Lets Make a PCB!

I created the circuit in a Free PCB designer called EasyEDA.
Firstly I created a schematic and used the inbuilt search engine for components and found the right components for this project.
Then I converted the schematic into a pcb using the 'Create PCB' button.
I arranged the components into the posistion i wanted them to be in and added traces between each component.
Then I added a solid GND ( Ground / - ) Layer, and some text to spice it up a bit.
Then i pressed 3d view, to view this master piece.
( In the PCB I forgot to connect the VCC pin of the header to the VCC pin of the 555-timer IC. DON'T DO THE SAME! )