LED Powered Avengers Wall Decor
by Creator_Awaken in Craft > Cardboard
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LED Powered Avengers Wall Decor

Hello, friends, I am Debadeep Das as you may know or for those who may not know me, I run a YouTube channel named Ever-E-Thing. I am also an Instructables creator.
Okay, just leave those intros and let’s focus on the project. Today, we are going to make a LED powered Avengers wall decor. It will be a very awesome project and at night it will also serve as a night lamp. So, let’s construct it.
Ah, and one more thing, I hope you will like my DIY idea and if you do so please send me a heart and also please leave a comment in the comments section about what you loved the most. If you do end up loving my project, then please do vote for it in the Indoor Lighting Contest. So, let’s just directly dig into the project.
Gathering the Materials Required

For this awesome DIY project, you are going to need very few things which you can easily get from the nearby stationery store. The things you are going to need are listed down below:
1. A pencil, a ruler and an eraser.
2. A pair of scissors and a paper cutter.
3. A wire stripper, some wires (of any color) and some electrical tape.
4. A soldering iron and stand.
5. A 12v LED light strip.
6. Some solder tin (of course, for soldering).
7. A piece of cardboard (about 20”x12”) and some newspaper.
8. A paper glue (PVA glue).
9. A pair of compasses and pencil.
10. A black poster color, a paint brush (no. 6), a color palette and a bowl for keeping water.
11. Two bottle caps.
12. A hot glue gun.
13. A cello tape.
14. A 12v power plug or port.
15. A double sided tape.
16. A 12v power adapter (about 2 ampere)
Now, if you have gathered all the required materials, then you can slide down to the next step. But wait! Before you do so, you should watch my video tutorial on this project with step by step guide. The video is in the top section ( picture section) of this step.
Making the Cut-Out

In this step, we have to take the newspaper and cut it into half using the paper cutter. Then, we have to take the PVA glue (paper glue or fevicol) and paste the newspaper to the cardboard and cut the extra edges using a scissor. Then, we have to take the ruler, pencil and eraser and start drawing the sign/logo on the newspaper. You can use the picture that I have given in the picture section of this step. Then, take your compasses and draw an arc like the picture.
After doing so, we have to take the paper cutter and start cutting out the shape. Be careful while doing so! The shape looks awesome after cutting out!! Now you can proceed to the next step.
Painting, Detailing and Adding Lights

In this step, we have to take the black poster color, paint brush (no.6), color palette and bowl. After getting all this, we have to start painting the cut-out which we made in the previous step.
After painting the cut-out, we have to take the 12v LED light strips and then peel off the double sided tape from the back and start pasting it around the cut-out.
NOTE: The width of the cardboard should be more than the width of the LED light strip you have taken so that it is not visible from the front.
You can use some hot glue gun or cello tape to fasten the light strips more firmly. My lights’ adhesive was not too firm, so I used hot glue and cello tape to fasten it.
Remember to add lights in the centre of the letter ‘A’ as well to get the real effect. We also need to paste two bottle caps in the back of the cut-out with a hot glue gun so that later on, we can fix it to the wall.
Now, you can proceed to the last step.
Soldering the Components and Testing Them

In this step, we have to take the soldering iron, stand, solder, wire stripper, power plug and some wires. We have to connect each of the led strips either in a parallel or alternate pattern At last, after soldering the wires, we have to solder the power plug and fix it in place using a hot glue gun. You can also glue the wires in place to provide a clean look.
After doing so, we have to take a 12v power adapter. Then, we have to take a double sided tape and cut two pieces using a scissor. Then, we have to paste the two pieces on the two bottle caps. Then we have to remove the peels from the other side and paste the design on a wall. Then, we have to plug in the 12v power adapter’s cord into the port of the design and switch on the circuit.
If your soldering is correct, then your design/cut-out shall glow. You can use this design as a wall decor or use it as a night lamp. Thank you.
I hope you like this project and if you did then please like, share, comment and support me by voting for this Instructable in the Indoor Lighting Contest. Stay creative and I will see you soon! Goodbye!