Hello everyone!…
Are you planning to surprise your love ones with something special this Valentines season?
Are you running out of idea to start with?
Are you time-constraint to bother creating a present for someone special to you?
This instructable might be the answer to these questions.
The idea came to when I started thinking of what could I give to my girlfriend knowing that it the “Season of Love” is approaching.
During special occasions such this one, I usually buy gifts for her. Little did I give DIYed gifts. But sometimes you have to make efforts for them (love ones) to feel more your care and love for them.
I started looking on the internet to see for things that I might come up with. After hours of browsing (and with little luck), I found myself becoming frustrated having none of what I’ve searched interests me to do (or if any the materials are too expensive and the time-frame for is just too long). I just decided to go to a nearby art store and hope to stumble on a fresh idea. When browsing on different stuff there. I came across with this stacked craft boxes on one of the display racks. Upon looking on the boxes, “ What could I possibly put in this box to surprise her?”, I said to myself. The idea that I was looking finally flashed into me. I’ve decided to put flowers in it but instead of fresh flowers I choose to make my own paper flowers. With this I started searching again looking for tutorials on making paper flowers in the internet. This instructable of kazmataz is what I get interested with. The instructions are simple and easy to follow (I just thought of adding some flavor).
I immediately gathered the materials and tools I needed.
Mostly of which are readily available at home or at any art store or shop.
So let’s get started =).
BTW, Apologise for the low quality images. I just used a mobile phone to capture each step.

As I have said, almost all the materials needed in this instructable are already available at your favorite (local) art store/shop. You won’t be bothered looking for it anywhere.
Rectangular Craft Box (9 cmx7.5cmx5cm)
- This one’s quite common art material. You can also make this out of cardboards but since there is already available I won’t bother doing so (I sucked at measurements).
- This will serve as the foundation for the project.
Just the same with our relationship should have a strong foundation =).
Sewing pins (with decorative heads)
- This will serve as the added for your flowers. Also it will let you attach the flowers into the foam (you can choose to use other than this as decoration and means of attachment but for me it serves its purpose though).
(Styrofoam will do fine or any materials as long as the pins with not come out of it when attached)
- It is where you gonna pin the flowers.
- You have to cut the foam to fit inside the box.
Assorted color construction papers
- These were used for the construction of flowers, lining of the box’s interior, where the messages are written and the cover décor.
Your pictures and messages (the more romantic the better)
- This project wouldn’t be complete without these items.
- This are your thoughts that you want to share with her or him and the pictures of memories you’ve shared with (and confession? =)).
White Glue (any type will do just fine)
Color Pen (compulsory: red color)
Prepare the Box:

Prepare cut-outs from the construction papers (preferably red) for the interior lining of the box (don’t forget the lid).
The measurements should be a little bit smaller as compared to the dimensions of the box since you have to place it inside.
You can use the tweezers to help you when placing the cut-outs for better placement.
The Flowers:

I won’t go through the whole process of making the flowers here. You can check this instructable for the entire process of doing so. I find it very comprehensive for that matter. So in this section will just have to tackle the preparation of the flowers (with some flavor). By the way, I have used a 5cmx5cm cut-out from construction papers for my flowers. You can experiment with various sizes and quantity as long as it all fits inside your chosen size of box. Also if your flower is too big there might not be enough of the pointed part of the pin to pierce the foam. Your flower might get easily dettached. So be cautious with that.
If you are done with your flowers at this stage, insert a pin in the middle of the flower (the joining of the petals) and secure with enough amount of glue. Then let dry for several minutes depending on the type of glue you have used.
You have to glue construction paper cut-out on one side of the foam (the side where you are going to attach the flowers to make it more presentable.
I have used only 3 pieces of paper flower (you what I
Once you’re done with the flower and foam attachment, try to
put it in the box to make sure everything goes well.
My Thoughts N’ Messages (The Box’s Content):

You can put as many any messages as you like. In my case, I just write four messages in a white construction paper, cut it out and glued on the sides of the box. If you like, you can just print your messages and paste it there.
Note: See the quote “ Thank You sa Lahat”? (Filipino language).
It’s translated as “Thank You for everything”. .
Then, try to fit in again the flowers to see the effects.
My Heart; My Inspirations (The Box’s Lid):

This is where I put the image I just printed. I cut it to shape like a heart then I glued it inside the lid. I also add cut-out message over it. (see the mistake I make? Hope she never notices).
Added decoration:
Next I made the lid’s top décor. This is where I put the “Happy Valentine’s Day” greeting. I just attached another layer of red construction paper under the print and cut some heart shapes on it.
Then I attached it on a cardboard (cutting the sides by following the shape of the main décor) to make it stiffer so as not to get gashed easily.
Finally I glued it of top of the box’s lid and let it dry.
Putting Together (My Thought and My Heart):

Our surprise gift is finished and ready for delivery. This craft is too easy it just took me 5 hours in average (you know I have a job to attend to) I am thinking of hiding it before 14th. I can’t wait for her reaction when she sees this (Hope she liked it though =)).
Further recommendations:
- You can put LED lights under the flower to provide illumination and make it more romantic. (I was not able to make it because of my work schedule, just pushed making it).
Just leave your comment if your interested.