Burning Laser Glove

by Pure Carbon in Circuits > Lasers

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Burning Laser Glove


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Pew, Pew, goes the laser, Awwwwww goes the bad guy. Hello everyone, Pure Carbon here with another cool instructable. For this one I will be showing you guys how to make a tool to add to you utility belt when you go off and save the city (or destroy it, your choice). What I made was basically a high powered laser that can burn wood, light matches or smoke bombs, and cut rope when you make your daring escape. I then mounted it to an old glove with some tape and then hooked a nine volt up to it, simple really.

A WARNING: do not point this at anyone and especially not at anyone's eyes because prolonged exposure can result in blindness or burning of the skin. This is not a toy, I highly recommend laser protection glasses that will help to prevent damage to the eyes. The link I have provided is to the pair that I own and I must say they work quite nicely. So what I'm trying to say is have fun, but be safe.

I hope you like this one, be sure to subscribe to me for many more instructables like this one coming soon, also if you like this then be sure to favorite it. If you have any questions or comments then be sure to leave them below, I'm very good at responding and if I don't right away then just be patient and I will respond to you soon. Please be sure to vote for me, thank you.



Here is what you will need to make this:


  • Scissors soldering iron
  • Multimeter
  • Eye protection
  • Hot glue gun (optional)

The Schematic


here are two pictures, one being the the completed circuit and the other will eventually be a full scamatic, but as you can probably already tell the circuit is pretty simple.

Finishing It Up


once you have made your circut it's time to glue or tape it to the glove. This can be done by taking some scotch tape and attaching the laser diode to the tip of your pointer finger. The button will hang on the side, this will act as our trigger. As for the battery clip, you can cut a small hole on the glove where the knuckle is for the middle finger and slip the wire in the hole. Once all that is complete your ready to test, plug the 9v in and push the button. If nothing happens then be sure to check all your connections with the multimeter to make sure you have a strong connection. Another thing that you need to do to make it burn is rotate the small potentiometer on the board, this increases the current allowing the power to increase, now it should work fine.



in this picture you can see me testing the laser out I was cutting rope to prove that it can be used to escape being tied up, whether your a hero of a villain.



here is once again the final product of this build. I like to hold my hand like shown and pretend it's a gun that fires a cool futuristic laser that actually burns.

I would like to announce that I have made a youtube channel and have purchased a nice camera so that I can start making youtube videos for instructables, so the next one I make Will have a very nice video to go along with it.

I hope you like this one, be sure to subscribe to me for many more instructables like this one coming soon, also if you like this then be sure to favorite it. If you have any questions or comments then be sure to leave them below, I'm very good at responding and if I don't right away then just be patient and I will respond to you soon. Please be sure to vote for me, thank you.