Laser Pointer Blaster

by Krenzel23 in Craft > Cardboard

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Laser Pointer Blaster

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I created a shell that enclosed a laser pointer. This "laser blaster" can pop balloons and shoot lasers (kinda). I modeled the laser blaster pieces in Fusion 360, where I found the distances I wanted to create my laser blaster. I based all the distances on how large my laser was. I then created some models out of cardboard to ensure all the distances and shapes worked out. All pieces of wood cut (other than the handle) were cut using a laser cutter.

*Disclaimer do NOT point lasers in anyone's eyes


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Wood glue, spare piece of 2x4 (6 inches long), laser pointer, 1/8 inch plywood 12x 18 inch sheet, one single screw, 2 rubber bands

Part Creation

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After designing the side walls, laser pointer holders, hinge to push the button on the laser blaster, and bottom to the containment unit, I cut them out with a laser cutter. I then took them out and with the predesigned notches put the parts together with wood glue.

Assembly and Handle

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After I put the hinge together I added the handle onto the bottom of the base piece of wood. As seen above the hinge rests on the button but doesn't press it unless the trigger is pressed in. This then shoots the laser pointer.

Side Wall Assembly

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After the handle, trigger, and laser pointer holders were installed next were the side walls, front/back, and the top pieces. These all had predesigned slots for the pieces to stay together all that was needed was wood glue to hold them together permanently. The circles on the sides are where the rubber bands hold onto to keep the back side of the laser blaster closed. This easy access allows for the removal of the laser pointer to charge and change out.